Who are the Outright Six-Man State Champions from 2006-Present


Six-man observer
This might stir up alot of heated debates but I was wondering when Six-Man split into two divisions, who do we think were the definitive state champions of that year from 2006 to the present? For example in 2006, was Richland Springs the definitive best six-man team that year or was it Vernon Northside?
This might stir up alot of heated debates but I was wondering when Six-Man split into two divisions, who do we think were the definitive state champions of that year from 2006 to the present? For example in 2006, was Richland Springs the definitive best six-man team that year or was it Vernon Northside?
RS would've blanked Northside easily.
RS would've blanked Northside easily.

As a Northside alum, and someone who watched every single Northside game that season, it hurts to see you say that and I do believe you're wrong about them blanking Northside that year. Northside had a load of offensive weapons. They definitely would've put up points.

Back then there were a lot of fans from Northside who wanted that game to find out who was the best. I was not one of those fans. I held the unpopular opinion, at least it was unpopular around here (still may be), that RS would've dominated us. For my reasoning, look no further than both team's matchups with Amarillo Bible that season. We lost that game 102-87 while RS beat them 54-6.
By the time that Northside and RS actually played each other, Northside had lost some of their steam and RS was still gaining momentum on a downhill track. Jerry and Harley had the Coyotes firing on all cylinders, both offense and defense, and they were unbeatable at the time. As evidenced by the total shellacking of Mike Reed’s great Rule team in the 2007 State Championship game.
By the time that Northside and RS actually played each other, Northside had lost some of their steam and RS was still gaining momentum on a downhill track. Jerry and Harley had the Coyotes firing on all cylinders, both offense and defense, and they were unbeatable at the time. As evidenced by the total shellacking of Mike Reed’s great Rule team in the 2007 State Championship game.

Yeah, Northside had lost a few starters on both sides of the ball. In my opinion, though, it was the leadership they lost from one of those seniors graduating that hurt the most. They still had plenty of talent but the team leadership wasn't the same.

That's also the game TE broke the passing touchdown record, at least I believe that was the record he broke that game. I could be wrong there. It was nice to see the Northside fans on their feet applauding him when they announced it.
As a Northside alum, and someone who watched every single Northside game that season, it hurts to see you say that and I do believe you're wrong about them blanking Northside that year. Northside had a load of offensive weapons. They definitely would've put up points.

Back then there were a lot of fans from Northside who wanted that game to find out who was the best. I was not one of those fans. I held the unpopular opinion, at least it was unpopular around here (still may be), that RS would've dominated us. For my reasoning, look no further than both team's matchups with Amarillo Bible that season. We lost that game 102-87 while RS beat them 54-6.
Just my opinion, I think the divisions were very uneven talent-wise when the split took place. If 6man would've stayed with one division, 8 team districts, I'm not sure Northside makes it past bi-district that year. Not even sure what district Northside was in (with 8 teams).
I still believe RS would've won at half that year. No hard feelings
For reference here are those state winning teams (D1 and then D2)

21 Westbrook or Strawn
20 Sterling City or Balmorhea
19 Blum or Richland Springs
18 Mclean or Strawn
17 Borden Co or Strawn
16 Borden Co or Richland Springs
15 Abbott or Richland Springs
14 Crowell or Throckmorton
13 Crowell or Grandfalls Royalty
12 Throckmorton or Richland Springs
11 Throckmorton or Richland Springs
10 Garden City or Richland Springs
09 Garden City or Borden County
08 Strawn or Borden County
07 Richland Springs or Motley Co
06 Richland Springs or Northside
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Just my opinion, I think the divisions were very uneven talent-wise when the split took place. If 6man would've stayed with one division, 8 team districts, I'm not sure Northside makes it past bi-district that year. Not even sure what district Northside was in (with 8 teams).
I still believe RS would've won at half that year. No hard feelings

Nah, no hard feelings at all. You know what they say about opinions and mine are no different! I don't disagree that RS might've ended it early against Northside that year. I was just saying no way they would've been blanked.
Yes, the 2007 game, RS vs Northside, was when Tyler set the passing record. The officials held up the game for a few minutes for TE to be recognized for the new record and to be presented the football that he broke the record with.
I just wonder if Tyler still has that football today?
For reference here are those state winning teams (D1 and then D2)

21 Westbrook or Strawn -Strawn

20 Sterling City or Balmorhea - ? Wanted to see

19 Blum or Richland Springs - ? Wanted to see

18 Mclean or Strawn - McLean

17 Borden Co or Strawn - BC

16 Borden Co or Richland Springs - BC

15 Abbott or Richland Springs - RS

14 Crowell or Throckmorton - Crowell

13 Crowell or Grandfalls Royalty- GF

12 Throckmorton or Richland Springs- Throck

11 Throckmorton or Richland Springs- Throck

10 Garden City or Richland Springs- GC

09 Garden City or Borden County- GC

08 Strawn or Borden County - Strawn

07 Richland Springs or Motley Co -RS

06 Richland Springs or Northside- RS
My picks on who would've won D1 vs D2 champs if games were played
With all due respect, the difference level of that first year division split was very telling. Watch film on YouTube of that year (if you can find it). It would’ve been a 45’er for sure. I think Northside would score 2 TD’s that game
I think Jayton was probably better than Northside to be honest with you. Jayton had two flukey fumbles go out of bounds in the end zone, which resulted in a change of possession (from Jayton to Northside) both times.
Division 1 Won
Division 2 Won
Toss Up!

2006: Richland Springs over Northside

Like I said in my previous post, I think Jayton was better than Northside. Jayton had two flukey fumbles go out of bounds in the end zone, which resulted in a change of possession (from Jayton to Northside) both times. Plus, it is hard to bet against JB, BE, TE, and the gang.

I have no idea who or what "Bible Heritage" is/was, but it reinforces the fact Richland would have beaten Northside.

Bible Heritage: Richland Springs +63
Week 1: Richland Springs 54, Bible Heritage 6
Week 6: Bible Heritage 102, Northside 87

2007: Richland Springs over Motley County

If I remember/was told correctly, Woodson was up 28 to 0 at half. Their best player gets hurt, and MC won the state championship. Need I say more other than *howling!*

Link: Richland Springs > Motley County by 106
State Game: Motley County 44, Woodson 38
Week 15: Woodson 102, Gustine 64
Week 3: Richland Springs 68, Gustine 6 (led by current Strawn Assistant Coach, Evany Cervantes!)

2008: Toss Up! (Borden County vs. Strawn)

That 08 Strawn Team was AMAZING! People rightfully marveled at #7 (I think his last name was Doyle) in later years, but he was just another guy on this team! The guys that played were all big and fast or just fast. I would love to see them play 07 Richland because 08 Strawn was much bigger and more physical. The only common opponent of the two teams was Woodson, and the scores are pretty similar.

Woodson: Strawn +8
State Game: Borden County 54, Woodson 8
Week 5: Strawn 54, Woodson 0

While I was going to pick Strawn because I like that team, they flip classifictions in 2017 (IE: Strawn was the DI team in 2008 but the DII team in 2017; Borden County the DII team in 2008 but the DI team in 2017.) Since we are trying to figure out how the spilt affected the overall champion, we have to call 2008 and 2017 a toss up.

2009: Toss Up! (Borden County vs. Garden City)

Although I have seen maybe one Borden County game my entire life, that little back for Garden City (#25, Colonga [sp]) was one of the best non-throwing running threats I have seen in sixman football and a perfect fit for Vance Jones' system. That said, however, common opponents makes this a toss up.

Sterling City: Borden County +2
Week 6: Borden County 70, Sterling City 20
Week 7: Garden City 78, Sterling City 30

2010: Richland Springs over Garden City

I literally almost called this a toss up. Since I like both teams, I let common opponents break the tie.

Calvert: +6 Richland Springs
Week 1: Garden City 48, Calvert 46
Week 13: Richland Springs 66, Calvert 58

Sterling City: +22 Richland Springs
Week 2: Garden City 54, Sterling City 30
State Game: Richland Springs 46, Sterling City 0

2011: Throckmorton over Richland Springs


While I believe this is the end of the Demien Reeves era of Richland Springs Football, I never saw Throckmorton play this year. Luckily, they have two common opponents. Unfortunately, their common opponents, Mullin and Avalon, indicate that they are ridiculously close in talent to one another.

Mullin: Throckmorton +4
Week 3: Throckmorton 64, Mullin 14
Week 10: Richland 46, Mullin 0

Avalon: Throckmorton +2
Week 1: Richland Springs 66, Avalon 20
Week 12: Throckmorton 70, Avalon 22

No offense to Mullin, but both teams could have probably scored as many points as they wanted against them. Avalon seems like a solid opponent, and both scores are ridiculously similar. Thus, I do not feel comfortable picking either team based on score.

2012: Richland Springs over Throckmorton

Same situation as 2011 but with less data as they have no common opponents during the 2012 year. Instead of calling 2011 a "toss up," I am going to give it to Throckmorton (because they scored a few more points against common opponents during 2011) and give 2012 to Richland Springs. I would love to see the 2011 RS/Throck or 2012 RS/Throck teams plays each other!

Link: Throckmorton > Richland Springs by +7
"Western Conference Finals:" Throckmorton 60, Valley 48
Week 1: Valley 37, Joneboro 28
Regional: Richland Springs 64, Jonesboro 48

2013: Toss Up! (Grandfalls-Royalty vs. Crowell)

Before looking at scores:
I saw both of these teams play and loved both of them. Even though I saw them play less, Crowell reminded me a lot of 2008 Strawn because they had some big guys that could really move. 2013 Grandfalls was the best spread defense team I have ever seen as they had 3 guys that could coverage, rush, and tackle in space at a very high-level when most teams are lucky to have one guy like that. This would be a heck of a match up on paper and two of the teams I would like to see go against the 2007 Richland Springs Coyotes! It depends on the matchups which is "better," but I think Crowell would beat Grandfalls head to head because the Cowboys would have a hard time with Crowell's tight.

After looking at scores: One common opponent really sticks out to me: Follett. Follett played Grandfalls in 2012 and lost in a really close game. Follett then went on to get 45ed in the state game by Richland Springs. During this game, Harley Ethirdge, now Head Coach at Follett, went up against Jerry Burkhart. In 2013, Grandfalls defeated Follett for the right to go to the state game and mercy-rule Milford. Obviously, Follett and Grandfalls were very close in talent and ability. To contrast, Crowell lost to Follett during Week 6.

Then again, Water Valley beat Grandfalls week 1 while Crowell beat Water Valley during their playoff run. Although this means less to me because I never saw Water Valley play, it should not be discounted at all. Thus, I am calling this one a toss up.

Follett: Grandfalls +25
"The Western Conference Finals:" Grandfalls 67, Follett 58
Week 6: Follett 74, Crowell 58

Water Valley: Crowell +18
Week 1: Water Valley 32, Grandfalls 20
Week 12: Crowell 52, Water Valley 46

2014: Crowell over Throckmorton

Like I said, I liked the heck out of these Crowell teams. Furthermore, the scores indicate that Crowell would beat Throckmorton fairly easily.

May: Crowell +26
Week 4: Throckmorton 60, May 40
State Game: Crowell 62, May 16

Rotan: Crowell +8
Week 6: Throckmorton 58, Rotan 12
Week 7: Crowell 54, Rotan 0

Calvert: Crowell +24
"Eastern Conference Finals:" Throckmorton 76, Calvert 72
Week 6: Crowell 44, Calvert 16

Although you never know on any given day, this one seems pretty clear to me.

2015: Richland Springs over Abbott

It is hard to believe these teams, roughly 150 miles apart, had zero (0) common opponents during the 2015 season. As far as I can tell, however, they did not.

I probably would pick Richland Springs if forced to pick without data, but I found a chain of games that back up this assertion.

Link: Richland Springs > Abbott by +119
Week 13: Richland Springs 52, Jonesboro 7
Week 12: Jonesboro 78, Calvert 46
Week 3: Calvert 53, Abbott 8

I hate to base so much off scores, but I am almost positive I never saw Abbott play this year. Plus, those scores are pretty convincing!

2016: Richland Springs over Borden County

I think there is an argument to make this match up a toss up, but you would have to give me a reason why Borden County barley lost to Calvert while Richland Springs beat Calvert handily. If you cannot tell, I am trying to find a way not to pick Richland Springs every single time! Plus, Calvert was/is usually one of the best teams in the state.

Calvert: Richland Springs +52
Week 2: Calvert 62, Borden County 60
Week 13: Richland Springs 86, Calvert 36

Paducah: Richland Springs +3
Week 1: Richland Springs 58, Paducah 0
Week 5: Borden County 55, Paducah 0

Sterling City: Borden County +2
Week 5: Richland Springs 48, Sterling City 0
Bi-district: Borden County 56, Sterling City 6

2017: Toss Up! (Borden County vs. Strawn)

Between finishing these post, a few poster said they disagreed with me. After reviewing, I think they probably objected to the fact I shortchanged Borden County. While I changed 2009 to a toss up, they flip classifications in 2017 (IE: Strawn was the DI team in 2008 but the DII team in 2017; Borden County the DII team in 2008 but the DI team in 2017.) Since we are trying to figure out how the split affected the overall champion, we have to call 2008 and 2017 a toss up.

My opinion on this year is not as good as other years since I saw both these teams play a total of one time (Strawn v. Oakwood at Alvarado) this year, they have no common opponents, and any "link" I tried to create makes them dead even,. Thus, I am calling it a toss up.

2018: McLean over Strawn

Despite my love of Strawn, all I need to do is show the scores on this one. They both played each other and had a common opponent, Garden City.

HEAD-TO-HEAD: McLean 51, Strawn 18 (Week 1)

Garden City: McLean +49
"Western Conference Finals:" McLean 72, Garden City 34
Week 6: Garden City 34, Strawn 23

2019: Blum over Richland Springs

Before looking at scores: This was the "Rigdon Year" at Richland Springs. While I am not going to recap what happened to start World War IV on this message board, I think most people would say Richland Springs was more talented than Blum. That does not make it true, however.

After looking at scores: I forgot that Aquilla almost beat Richland Springs in week 2 of the season. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think Richland was experiencing some "growing pains" during this game. Nevertheless, Blum easily beat Aquilla in district. Although they both played Medina, I do not think it tells us much about the teams. I tried to make an argument for Richland and could not find a link that would indicate Richland Springs would beat Blum.

Aquilla: Blum +38
Week 2: Richland Springs 50, Aquilla 46
Week 7: Blum 68, Aquilla 26

Medina: Richland +5
Week 5: Richland Springs 52, Medina 0
Week 6: Blum 66, Medina 19

This will probably be one of the more passionately argued for on this site.

2020: Sterling City over Balmorhea

Although I think a person should probably pick Sterling City, it is by the thinnest of margins. When I saw that Rankin was one of the teams Sterling City beat during their playoff run, I thought there would be tons of common opponents given the fact Balmorhea and Rankin are one of about 10 six man teams west of the Pecos River that always play each other.

For whatever reason, Rankin played Calvert, Leakey, Nuecse Canyon, White Deer, and a few private schools instead of their typical, Sanderson, Sierra Blanca, Buena Vista, Grandfalls, Ft. Davis, Marfa, etc. Thus, we only have two points of data, both of which indicate Sterling City is better, albeit slightly, better than Balmorhea.

Rankin: Sterling City +14
Week 1: Rankin 38, Balmorhea 36
Area: Sterling City 100, Rankin 88

Link: Sterling City > Rankin by +14
Week 1: Rankin 38, Balmorhea 36
Week 3: Borden County 40, Rankin 34
"Western Conference Finals:" Sterling City 48, Borden County 40

If you eat, live, and drink blue and white Balmorhea Bear's football, I think it is very logical to think your team could beat Sterling City due to the fact 14 points is a thin margin in sixman!

2021: Strawn over Westbrook

Although they have no common opponents, Strawn and Westbrook played each other in the regular season.

HEAD-TO-HEAD: Strawn 68, Westbrook 52 (Week 5)

I also think it is relevant that Westbrook lost four games while Strawn was hardly challenged throughout the year. Furthermore, Strawn was balling at the end of the year as they almost mercy-ruled Richland Springs, despite the fact their respective scores against Ft. Worth Convenant Classic earlier in the year were much closer (Strawn beat FTWCC 114 to 97 while Richland beat FTWCC 119 to 112.)

The 2021 Strawn Greyhounds are probably one of the best teams in sixman history. While I never said this because I did not want to be called a hater, there was a play in the state game against Motley County that Rigdon (#1) went virtually 80 yards for a touchdown on a base running play out of the T. People rightfully sing his praises, but man that Strawn could really block collectively. No one touched Rigdon on that play, and it makes me wonder if Strawn, collectively, is not one of the best teams ever.


Division 1: 9 State Championships
Division 2: 6.5 State Championships

NOTE: Each side gets ".5" for a "Toss Up!"

Source for 2006 to 2020:
Source for 2021: www.sixmanfootball.com

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Thanks for your input Tebow, I like how you worded everything and summarized. I haven't worded my picks as detailed as yours but I plan to and hope others join.
Much appreciated, even though I disagree with some of your picks lol.
This is all for fun.
Thanks for your input Tebow, I like how you worded everything and summarized. I haven't worded my picks as detailed as yours but I plan to and hope others join.
Much appreciated, even though I disagree with some of your picks lol.
This is all for fun.

Yes sir, thank you. My list is 100% done now!

Of course no one is going to agree on everything, but I thought it would open discussion up if I gave a little summary of each season. I did not watch much sixman from 2016ish to 2019ish, so I tried to stick to scores on those years.

In fact, your response made me rethink my earlier picks. It would not shock me if your disagreement with me constituted the fact I short changed Borden County because, in hindsight, I think I did initially. Thanks to you, however, I believe I have fixed it.
Just wanted to mention that in 2018 both Strawn and McLean played Milford. Strawn beat Milford in a close game(54 tp 46) at Strawn early in the season while McLean pulled away in the second half of the championship game to win 100 to 70. Taron didn't have that burst of speed in the championship game. Taron was dynamic and basically unstoppable when rested. I guess he was worn out from being the main man for at least 2 seasons at Milford. Milford's big back(Henderson?) was seldom used to lighten the offensive load.

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