Well don't. I was a little harsh there. It all stems from a bad experience when I was about 4-5. 1st trip to a dentist I remember. He insisted mom stay in the waiting room. Then he & the assistant held me down & tried do do what ever it was & it hurt. I yelled & screamed & thrashed about till they gave up. Ultimately I was taken to Dr. John Adams, an oral surgeon out of Baylor. He put me almost all the way out. When I "woke up" it was over. I wanted to be an oral surgeon for several years after that, till I grew up & found out how many years it took. If I'd stuck with it I'd be better off financially now. And thanks to the one who made my front teeth look "normal" again after busting a winshield with my head. And, if I didn't smoke I woudn't need debriding? yearly.
If you still feel bad though, can't a dentist prescribe himself some demarol or antidepressants? :roll: