What's most important ? Championship or beating your rival ?

robt78155":1bd67kk0 said:
We'll we can't answer the question yet...here ya go.. one rival down, homecoming done . feels pretty good at this point.... What's for sure? ..Tough game this week. AKIN / TATE "Beauty and the Beast"

Stop calling that Akin boy a beast ... and yes, Geneva all of a sudden starts looking like a tougher game than it did in August.

Like Al Davis USED to say, Just Win, Baby, Win.
he was referring to akin as beauty.. (i think)hes got a nice smile... or maybe hes referring to the way hes been playing this year.... and tate can't buy a date... haha but he will run you over whether you have the ball or he does... and he growls... at everybody... all the time... haha
Rival is more important. Both teams seem to play better & give it 150%. Come-on, who wants to lose to their rivals? Aquilla-Abbott, Gordon-Strawn - games like these are always good.
robt78155":2ormqedw said:
Akin / Tate "SHOCK & AWE"
"Fast and the Furious"
BTW , our next rival game is Freddy. both akin and tate were freshmen when freddy sent us home at halftime in a ugly game. ugly because our seniors at the time had "convenient injuries" as these young freshmen were thrown out to face ramsey and company. I can tell you if akin or tate leaves the field, it would have to be in an ambulance......they had scares from that game and they started paying freddy back last year.one more payment due.
Greenvill -Rockwall has become a good Rival game. The winnwer is the District champ most of the time. Playing Abbot regardless of who it is bring a billy goat with you to run up that hill on their field. If you want to watch good football go to Abbot and watch their games.
Astro55":phpecrjg said:
Greenvill -Rockwall has become a good Rival game. The winnwer is the District champ most of the time. Playing Abbot regardless of who it is bring a billy goat with you to run up that hill on their field. If you want to watch good football go to Abbot and watch their games.
Would love to see Abbot play.(does UIL have a central final game location like Tapps Moody?)..didn't catch that "billie goat" comment....but made me think if Freddy had a billie goat , how cool to tattoo our winning score on its butt!
robt78155":a40op81d said:
Astro55":a40op81d said:
Greenvill -Rockwall has become a good Rival game. The winnwer is the District champ most of the time. Playing Abbot regardless of who it is bring a billy goat with you to run up that hill on their field. If you want to watch good football go to Abbot and watch their games.
Would love to see Abbot play.(does UIL have a central final game location like Tapps Moody?)..didn't catch that "billie goat" comment....but made me think if Freddy had a billie goat , how cool to tattoo our winning score on its butt!

UIL finals will be at Abilene Shotwell Stadium on Dec. 11th.
Robt 85855 I don't know how far you go back, at one time UT baseball field was on the Campus before they buildthe new one, I think it was call Falk field any way the right field had a perrty good hill in and they call it billy goat hill. Abbott has a good size hill in the conner near the NE goald line. I heard a fan comment one time that their running back needed to be a billy goat to get up that hill.classic 6 man football at Abbott, and the people there are great to the visting teams. Home of Willy Nelson
Robt 78511 sorry about thr numbers in the last post., if i memember I failed typing in school. I mean typing with manual typewriter. Failing never bother me , you see I went to school year around for three years. Regular school and summer school
Alright Astro!!..theres "the rest of the story" on the billie goat. I thought bro John(lifegate), our historian and sports caster, would have known the riddle to that trivia ...but only silence :cry:
Yeah, I played for Lorena and we played Abbott (11 man) my senior year. But couldn't remember if their mascot was a billie goat..just big farmer guys dressed in black and gold.... with one dude all in black !
From my experiences as an athlete.. my rivals were usually the other best team. It wasn't a rivalry if we always killed them..so, naturally, the road to the championship had to go through the rival..at least thats how it was for me.. I think rivalry games are bigger in TX than championships though.. just my opinion
Sixmanjunkie, I also think rivals are bigger in Texas then most states. I also think that Rivals are a lot bigger in 11 man because of inter city rivals. rivals where kids know each other and play against each other since Pee-Wee football. 6th man football is still a rural game, in most cases. Ptivate schools have a lot of urban teams but they are still spread out.
The count down has begun ,the final week of preparation...300for helmet..178 for pads and pants78 for cleats...beating our rival at our house---priceless!
district championship.

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