Weekly Pick em

Count Coog

11-man fan
I have seen on other site's where they do a weekly pick em. I was just curios who would be interested in that. I do not mind putting it together. I will select games that are supposed to be close according to THE TOY. I did not do any Thursday games, so that it gives people more time to choose. Any entry added after 7:00 PM on Friday will not be counted. Just reply to this and mark your answers clearly.

Blanket vs. Mullin
Covington vs. Iredell
Loop vs. Wilson
Kress vs. Hart
Moran vs. Brookesmith
Guthrie vs. Ira
Oglesby vs. Rising Star
Paint Rock vs. Panther Creek
Silverton vs. Lazzbuddie
Aspermont vs. Westbrook
Tioga vs. Forestburg
Waco Methodist Children's Home vs. Seguin Lifegate
Rule vs. Trent
Happy vs. Water Valley

Pick Winner and Score for Potential Tie-Breaker.
Borden County ____ vs. Crowell ____

Just trying something new, if it is bust, it is a bust.
Strictly my opinion/guess on these.
Mullin by 8
Iredell by 12
Loop by 16
Kress by 8
Guthrie by 16
Paint Rock by 30
Lazzbuddie by 16
Westbrook by 12

Borden Co. 46. Crowell 35
I have no clue on any of the East teams.

Rising Star
Paint Creek
Seguin Lifegate

Borden County 58
Crowell 48
Blanket vs. Mullin - Blanket
Covington vs. Iredell - Iredell
Loop vs. Wilson - Loop
Kress vs. Hart - Hart
Moran vs. Brookesmith - Moran
Guthrie vs. Ira - Ira
Oglesby vs. Rising Star - R. Star
Paint Rock vs. Panther Creek - Paint Rock
Silverton vs. Lazzbuddie - Silverton
Aspermont vs. Westbrook - Aspermont
Tioga vs. Forestburg - Forestburg
Waco Methodist Children's Home vs. Seguin Lifegate - Seguin
Rule vs. Trent - Trent
Happy vs. Water Valley - WV

Pick Winner and Score for Potential Tie-Breaker.
Borden County 58 vs. Crowell 22