
11-man fan
This is Tyler Sanders posting. A fellow TAPPS school and district team, Orange Community Christian, is in need of serious prayer. The Pastor of the Church and his family went on vacation to Honduras. The oldest son, who just graduated and on his way to Texas A&M, has been reported missing after going on a kayak ride just after 6PM. Please pray for Pastor Rose's family and his son Aaron as search parties are out looking. Lord, please shine a light on Aaron and bring him back to safety!
Update from Pastor Rose: Rescue efforts are resuming this am. The sun is rising. This morning pray for improved weather conditions and favor from Florida allowing for US assets in Honduras to be released to join in the search efforts. The last thing Aaron and I talked about yesterday before he left to see the Sunset was his desire to see the Sunrise. Aaron said one of his most meaningful spiritual moments came while praying and watching the Sunrise! What an awesome young man. This morning I know we are still looking and the one who designed this mornings Sunrise is still on the throne!
yung'en":3cixnyme said:
Update from Pastor Rose: Rescue efforts are resuming this am. The sun is rising. This morning pray for improved weather conditions and favor from Florida allowing for US assets in Honduras to be released to join in the search efforts. The last thing Aaron and I talked about yesterday before he left to see the Sunset was his desire to see the Sunrise. Aaron said one of his most meaningful spiritual moments came while praying and watching the Sunrise! What an awesome young man. This morning I know we are still looking and the one who designed this mornings Sunrise is still on the throne!
Listen to what you said. Aaron desired to see a sunrise and have time with God. Is it really any wonder that he was where he basically asked God to be? What better backdrop than the ocean's horizon to view the sunrise? And how much closer to God are we than when we think we're in trouble. God was merely answering prayer. Aaron was in no danger at all. We just didn't know it until now. What a great story. Be careful what you ask.