Teams Open Week 0


Six-man pro
Was just looking at the list of Week Zero games.

I have a list of 268 schools playing six-man football on the high school level in 2013. We have 120 games on the schedule for Week 0 and something like 38 teams open that week (there are some games against JV teams or out-of-state teams)

Maybe some of these folks are taking an early bye week, but I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't 5 or 10 games among these folks ... if we're missing games or new games get scheduled, please contact Granger at sixmanguru -at- gmail -dot- com with the details! Please use the GAMES WANTED topic to list open dates!

Non-affiliated teams:
Dallas Winston
Stephenville Huston Charter
Wylie Saints Home School

TAIAO Teams:
Victoria Home School
Waco Parkview Christian (schedule shows them hosting SA Sunnybrook, but Sunnybrook tells me they are playing SA New Life)

TAPPS Teams:
Dallas Lakehill
San Marcos Hill Country Christian
Wichita Falls Notre Dame Catholic
Red Oak Ovilla Christian

TCAF Teams:
Garland Central Park Christian
Lewisville Lakeland Christian
Odessa Latter Rain Christian
Westlake Academy
Weatherford Christian School

T-CAL Teams:
El Paso Home School
Houston Clear Lake Christian
Houston Sanchez Charter
Williamson Co Home School
Corpus Christi Arlington Hts Christian
Corsicana Agape Christian
Crosby Victory in Praise
Marshall Christian
Pasadena Faith Christian
San Antonio River City Christian
West Columbia Charter
Leander Sterling Classical

UIL Schools:
Benjamin (not playing?)
Darrouzett (not playing?)
Sidney (their opponent, Comanche Premiere Charter is not playing this year)
Advantage Grand Prairie
Campbell (their opponent, Balch Springs Christian is not playing this year)

Also -- the schedule shows Arlington High Point Prep with two games (8/30 at FW Nazarene, 8/31 at Greenville Christian). Unless one of those are a JV team, then we can add either of those teams to this list as well.
Corrected # of teams ... now 268, and may be falling.

Corsicana Agape Christian (T-CAL) is not playing this year.

I checked our benefactor's master schedule and didn't see any games for BENJAMIN or DARROUZETT, so can I reasonably assume neither are playing?

Same with Grand Prairie Advantage Charter school?
Unless something has changed I thought Rotan and Crowell were playing week 0 at the Jayton Classic. I'm just not sure though
ryry":298rpybz said:
Unless something has changed I thought Rotan and Crowell were playing week 0 at the Jayton Classic. I'm just not sure though

They very well may be. But neither has a game on the schedule on this site ... my guess is that they (like most of the other schools listed above -- and some not listed as well) haven't entered their schedule.

How Granger's schedule program works is that if I enter that my Podunk High is playing at East Bug Tussle Christian at 7:30 on Friday, August 30th, Granger records the game for both teams. So that means if East Bug Tussle Christian doesn't enter any of its games, any games against them entered by their opponents will be shown.

But if neither team bothers to enter games, they won't show up. And my guess is that neither Rotan or Crowell have entered their schedules. I thought that was a "private schools only" disease.

While I'm thinking about it, it's probably a good idea for coaches or school administrators to enter schedules. Remember the old saw about too many cooks spoiling the broth ...

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