Teacher/Coach position

OK, so the 3rd interview in a row where the Supe.
could have easily said
"Oh btw, we need a math teacher/coach"
before I drove 3 hrs. out there.

I went down to a local place to get a truck driver application.
Got the straight scoop without playing 20 questions.
Imagine that.
Stepped away for a while
to try some gas/oil related manufacturing
now with gas prices so low
they're talkin layoffs.
Darn. I thought I was set.

I think you are a good guy and agree with most of your observations about public education, but you are going to have to learn to play the game if you want a job.

I learned pretty early on that all sixman schools pay poorly minus the ones around Midland/Odessa and some in the panhandle; sounds like you may know more about oil than I do.

PM me if you ever need advice. I wish you the best!
I'm so glad this site is still going. It was like missing a dear old friend. I don't know who is running it but "I love you, man."
I'm at the age now where I bring a school a lifetime of wisdom at a modest cost. And/but, I no longer wish to accept just any ol' job. I graduated from Tarleton, before it went woke, with a BS in Kinesiology, (they called it Exercise and Sports Studies, which I preferred), teacher track, and a minor in Communications. I've passed multiple TExES tests: EC-12 SpEd, 1-6 Gen, 4-8 Gen, 4-8 ELAR, 9-12 ELAR, 8-12 Speech, EC-12 PE, 8-12 Health. My favorite class was always a SpEd class. I took pretty much all the NFHS courses and am a NFHS certified coach. I also took certification courses from the International Youth Conditioning Association in Strength and Conditioning and Speed and Agility. I never worked for a school that took the athletes to the weight room and they wouldn't let me either. Weird...I know.
I can't help but want to get back into teaching. Wifey thinks I'm crazy. I poured everything I had into preparing for the career. I/we struggled to find a good fit for so long we went broke, financially and emotionally. I have been working non teaching jobs up to this point, and while they love me in my current position, and it's very comfortable, I probably won't be changing anybody's life by doing it. Perhaps one of my biggest mistakes was taking jobs that nobody else would even apply for? I worked 3 schools like that and lo-and-behold, I was non-renewed. Come to find out that was their standard operating procedure. Like the UIL just said...enough with the BS.
The deal I'm willing to wait for:
More than just 1 yr contract. How can you trust a school that won't trust you past 1 yr.
School housing. At my age this makes a move so much easier. My wife has final say on the house. No crack houses.
Utilities support. Schools should be negotiating prices for special populations like teachers.
Proven School Culture. This isn't about winning. It's about Standards to live by. Must have strong Positive Behavior Supports.
100% employee insurance coverage. I usually only need occasional ER treatment, but, I'm getting older. This way I can afford wifey's ins.
School must support reasonable amounts of homework and collegiate style research/reading projects. Leaders are readers.
All Speech classes should include a Debate section and tournament.
Teachers need to dress like adults, not like the students.

I always told my students to shoot for the Moon. This is me living by example.
Do you think
maybe when Trump gets rid of the Dept of Edu
or Texas secedes from the US
we might be able to finally work together
to make a coaching job
last more than one year?
We have so many awesome coaches. I don't get it.
It took me 8 yrs going part time
to get my degree
where I only worked 6 yrs
in the education industry.
Now it's been 8 yrs
not looking for a teaching job
and I finally received 2 different job notifications
basically out of the blue.
But the saddest part to me
is that the job posts that are out there now
look just like the job posts that were out there then.
How can we be the new and improved us
while working for the same old-same old them?
jus wondren'.
jus sayin'.:(
Where are you now? Where are you looking to go
I run a warehouse that supplies a major electric supplier here in N. Cent. Texas. I umpire HS baseball in season. I live in a small town in the house we bought 26 yrs ago.

I never did have a preference of where I wanted to end up working and living. My main objective was always to find a place to call home and help that school Make School Great Again. Not one single school wanted to be great. They were all content to just be good. Proof positive of that comment is the revolving door hire/fire policies of most schools. Name any lasting business that plans one year at a time and still becomes great. How many schools can you name with the same coaches for 10+ yrs.?

It's sad to look back at the schools where I started and applied to all those years, and I can tell they are still doing things that didn't work back then.

I'm becoming more content to remain where I am, and pray for the coming Storm to wipe out all corruption, so we might learn again how to teach our students how to go from Good to Great.