TCAL 2011, 2012 Alignments


11-man fan
Anyone interested in joining TCAL for the 2011 realignments, please contact me asap. We will meet February 1st for football only. There will be a meeting in June for other TCAL sports. If you would like TCAL to visit your school or program, we will do our best to schedule a meeting presentation before February 1st. We should have 4-5 districts in DI and 5-6 districts in DII. Please pray for TCAL and TCAF! That the two could join together and be one organization with one vision! When that happens (Lord willing), we will have 50 plus varsity six man teams and possibly a state wide JH program! :P

Gods Standard is Excellence!

Billy Helm
TCAL Football Chair
[email protected]
Can't speak for TCAF! However I can speak for TCAL. We at TCAL believe that joining with TCAF would be a great move for both organizations. We (TCAL) are also planning on starting 11 man football. TCAL and our friends at TCAF have schools that are considering 11 man football. If we did join together, it would also be great for our new 11 man program. Please pray for our leaders! This would be a great move in my opinion. Even though we/they both have great organizations that serve a purpose, I believe we could do so much more together.

We have several new schools coming in. Together we could possibly reach the 60 (six man football) mark this year and maybe 100 in the next few years.

If TCAF decides not to join with us, we will still continue to grow. I believe it will happen eventually... in His time!

Thanks for your prayers!