tcaf players.

hmm... well for running backs we've got Quinton Stone #21 from Hill School. Micah Burgess #36 from Lucas. QB's there's Mike Sapp from Willow Park Trinity who is one of the top quarter backs in 6man history along with the freakin good #13 from a public school whos mascot is the cayotes. his picture is on the home page of this site. #19 Demo from Nazarene

keeping in mind that these are just a few off the top of my head
I 'second' #19 Demo from Nazarene. Sam Tharp from NCA should be included in this group. #60 Clay (the Center) from CLPS is outstanding as well.
What about;
#55 Michael Barber- led our team in tackles,receiving yards,interceptions,and helmet cracking hits.

#12 Hutch Williams our Quarterback,he has a great arm and threw for over 1,300 yards with 26 touchdowns,and that was with missing a couple of games with a concussion.

All the players mentioned in the previous posts are solid players aswell,I just think that when you are talking about the BEST players in TCAF Hutch and Michael have to be mentioned.We are proud of Demo and Sam too,they were all solid contributers to this years team!
Talent. Quenton from Hill School was a stud athlete and good runningback. Willow Park has one the best qb in private schools. Tapps included.(Sapp) He's a basketball player at heart Coach G. lol. D from Nazarene was a good back who I watch a little bit this year. Runningback from Dallas Academy was very solid. Oh and the Azle Christian kid #28 is one of very few kids that might be playing on Saturdays.(College football)
Any word on how Daniel is doing? He is a solid football players and plays with alot of heart! We all at Nazarene Christian are praying for him and hope is healthy enough to play in the playoffs!
MysteryMan09":1txzfz6g said:
Ha who cares about those schools, McKinney Christian

OOOOOOH haahahahah i should have known :] lol i actually know a bunch a guys from MCA i used to go to church with. i wouldnt be suprised if i knew who you were mysterman lol but yall dont play 6-man anymore why are ya roamin around on 6-man football .com ??? ;] lol

but as for goin to lucas. my brother went there so naturally i followed :]
I've only been there for a year and a half so you probably don't me. I used to go to Rockwall, hence my infatuation. Are you related to '22inlucas' OlMan?
WOOPS lol i the above post was suppose to have come from me :] i accidently didnt sign out of smitty's but yeah he's the older brother i was talkin about. Oh gottchya. how yall lookin this season??
Uh way better than last year. Only had to win one district game for playoffs (five team district, top four go), we beat a team predicted to kill us for their homecoming so that was entertaining. We play Meunster Sacred Heart next week for first round, who knows how that'll go.