Six-man fan
There seems to be a issue with the rankings. Teams that had a bye went up dramatically?
Cougar1414":14wo092i said:granger thanks for the explanation. I just have not seen this much movement in Tapps II. Last week it had Waco Live Oak #1 for a series of hours then it magically switch to Baytown. At the end of the day or the next series of weeks it all works out. Seguin plays San Marcos, Conroe convenant plays Baytown, and Alpha well.... they play Conroe lifestyle
granger":1lljzm8l said:Has nothing to do with having a bye week or a game. It is constantly trying to fit everyone in the correct spot. If a team you defeated upsets someone, you should move accordingly. the system is expanding every week to fit teams into where they should be. With over 250 teams, and teams that would 45 a team that would 45 a team that would 45 a team.... it really starts to grow.
Here's a link so you can see is each team is where they should be... it is not perfect...
granger":1o4gm1ce said:fixed
jeffn86":tveust9s said:Cougar,
Believe me, Alpha would love to play Baytown and Covenant. Those decisions were not made by us not to play as we have every year that I've been here. This schedule was out of our hands, so we play what we have been dealt. Looking forward to November, as are our kids.