Steroid testing

Steroid testing for high school student athletes is a colossal waste of time and money. What's the baseline for free or total testosterone in pubescent teenaged boys? Free test is probably somewhere in the 800-900 range.

Point being, teenaged boys - from around 17-24 years old - are testosterone factories. There is no need to even be taking exogenous testosterone. Anyone pimping AAS to teenagers should be drawn ad quartered. Any teenager stupid enough to buy into the AAS game should be forced to wear their b!t<h tits for the rest of their lives.

I agree it's a huge waste of money. When they contacted me that we had been picked to get tested, I invited them to come walk through our hallways and look at the kids....would have taken ten minutes to see we are clean, and saved a ton!
You can blame Art Briles in his years at Stephenville for this. He was caught red-handed with his hands in the cookie jar, but everyone else, including the taxpayers are paying the price while he has gone on to even more money and fame at the college level.

Is the NCAA doing steeroid tests?
"Steroids" has become the ubiquitous term of choice for many things that are not steroids. I'm not trying to start an argument, but the ignorance of the average person with respect to "steroids" is astounding.

In point of fact, there was a poll done where they asked highschool kids if they had taken steroids. Something stupid like 65% of those surveyed said they had taken steroids at least once during their school days. Going back and looking at the data showed that the survey included protein powder as a steroid.

My position is that, until there is a real definition of what "steroids" is, people will continue to misuse the term.