Spur Needs An Assistant!

Bald Bulldawg

11-man fan
Spur I.S.D. is currently taking applications for an assistant coach. This is a great opportunity for a highly self-motivated, energetic, and hard working individual. The teaching field is composite social studies with a heavy emphasis on great classroom management and discipline. This is an up and coming program that has a great amount of potential. We are very proud of our athletes and want the right person in place to help them reach their potential. The school district pays $2,500 above state base, $6,000 coaching stipend, and 10 days. If you are interested please call:

Earl Jarrett - Superintendent -(806) 407-6701
Lenny Morrow - Principal - (806) 407-6702
Reece Walker - Athletic Director - (806) 407-6705
Someone asked me if the heavy emphasis
on classroom management and discipline
meant that there was a discipline problem out there?

I thought it was about the same everywhere.
I guess if you're gonna expect the moon and stars out of an applicant for a Texas public school job, this is as good a year to ask for it as any. And be picky enough until you get it.

By the way, Spur's most famous native is probably B. J. "Red" McCombs, the San Antonio billionaire auto dealer, investor/developer, and former owner of the Denver Nuggets and the Minnesota Vikings. There's another team he used to own ... the San Antonio Spurs. Guess where he came up with that name?
Once again we are left to ask the obvious question.
By whom is it filled
that we may cogratulate this young man?
And so as to also uselessly inflate
our meager post count. lol