Software Upgraded


Six-man master
So there were a few changes made to the site today. Here are the two biggest changes with this update.

iOS PWA compatibility with push notifications

First, we upgraded PWA and push notifications for iOS. If you have an android, you've already been able to use these but Apple finally pushed out support for this in their latest version of iOS so you iPhone users can now take advantage too.

To use this, members will need to be using the latest version of iOS. To get it working you'll need to install this site as a PWA (using the Add to Home Screen feature in Safari). Once you log in to the PWA, go to your preferences and you can enable push notifications.

I've got some new things coming to the site soon (hopefully before the season starts) that will take advantage of this, especially for coaches and fans of specific teams.

Full team name searching

Now when searching for team schedules, the team mascot will be included in the search results. This is to hopefully avoid some fairly common mistakes where teams have similar names and the wrong team is chosen. For example, there are now two teams listed as "Victoria Home School". Without the logo it would have just been a 50/50 that you found the team you were actually looking for. Also, it makes it so that if you know the school's mascot and not the school, you can simply type say "lions" into the search and it'll list schools with "lions" as the mascot. Please note that the results only show the first 10 results, so it may not necessarily list all schools that match.

I've got more changes coming in the coming weeks/months, so stay tuned to see what those are. I've got a long list of things to add to the site to, hopefully, make it better and more informative for coaches, players and fans of the game.