Six Man at State

Old Codger

11-man fan
I don't know what other schools qualified for state but the two with the best qualifying scores are 6-man schools. I realize that each of the regional courses are different, but Garden City and Robert Lee have the best qualifiying scores going into the state tournament.
Good luck to both teams, especially GC. :D :D
Robert Lee with a nice lead in the boys

2008 UIL Girls 1A Golf- Day 1 Results
Morris Williams Golf Course, (Par 72, 4,989 yards)


School Day 1
Martin's Mill 353
Baird 390
Wellington 390
Merit Bland 422
Fort Davis 433
Iraan 435
Goldthwaite 435
Flatonia 438

First Name Last Name School Day One
Gabriella Dominguez Chilton 70
Brittany Smith Petrolia 72
Macalee Lane Olton 81
Macy Davis Memphis 81
Emily Wharton Martin's Mill 82
Tera Wendland Merit Bland 85
Jennifer Perry Iraan 86
Carley Holland Wellington 87
Christa Williams Martin's Mill 88
Alex Neal Baird 89
Whitney Johnson Martin's Mill 91
Emily Williams Martin's Mill 92
Mallory Kerley Fort Davis 92
Ashley Brown Grapeland 92
Korie Wilson O'Donnell 92
Ashley Stephenson Brackettville Brackett 92
Cheryl Novak Flatonia 94
Kelady Wendland Merit Bland 94
Whitney Wilson Goldthwaite 95
Mitzy McDowell Baird 96
Kayla Ashmore Wellington 96
Kat Johnston Baird 97
Kacy Bartlett Wellington 103
Megan Rodriguez Wellington 104
Kayla Glidewell Martin's Mill 106
Ashton Mulholland Flatonia 106
Ivy Byram Baird 108
Lakota Everett Iraan 110
Kayla Bufe Goldthwaite 111
Alex Hernandez Fort Davis 112
Courtney Head Goldthwaite 113
Jeren Kimball Fort Davis 114
Kacee Burks Iraan 115
KC Avery Fort Davis 115
Lindsay Allred Wellington 115
Erin Vire Flatonia 116
Brittney DelaRosa Goldthwaite 116
Kourtney McDonald Graford 116
Morgan McNatt Merit Bland 118
Shelby Lara Fort Davis 121
Sara Robbins Flatonia 122
Michelle Robins Baird 123
Vicky Villa Goldthwaite 123
Ruby Busch Iraan 124
Emily Doonan Merit Bland 125
Tiffany Doris Iraan 130
Brittany Hightower Merit Bland 143

2008 UIL 1A Boys Golf- Day 1 Results
Morris Williams Golf Course (Par 72 6,637 yards)

Team Results

School Day 1
Robert Lee 328
Meridian 348
Iraan 349
Yantis 351
Goldthwaite 352
Garden City 355
Olton 365
Lindsay 368

Individual Results

First Name Last Name School Day 1
Logan Philley Robert Lee 74
Cameron Swarb White Deer 74
Ruston Boyd Grapeland 77
Cord Burnett Yantis 78
Sam Smith Archer City 78
Teddy Brabham Bloomburg 79
Nancen Kainer Flatonia 79
Lane Nowlin Brackettville Brackett 80
Kagen Maxey Iraan 82
Tanner McLean Goldthwaite 82
Tyler Rister Hamlin 82
Brody Dillard Robert Lee 83
Rance Norton Meridian 83
Keith Hermes Lindsay 83
Marcus Cook Garden City 84
Walt Clifton Goldthwaite 84
Cameron Hodge Robert Lee 85
Haden Dillard Robert Lee 86
David Murphy Meridian 86
Mason Ross Robert Lee 87
Kevin Eickholt Meridian 87
Todd Hooker Iraan 88
Kenny Nunez Yantis 88
Matt Jimenez Olton 88
Kuaid Fuentes Iraan 89
Bobby Workman Olton 89
Eric Hirt Garden City 89
Josh Heilman Lindsay 89
Cory Baker Goldthwaite 89
Peter Ortiz Iraan 90
Steve Jimenez Olton 90
Dale Schuman Sunray 90
Daniel Cerrani Yantis 91
Hayden Halfmann Garden City 91
Brian Hirt Garden City 91
Call Cade Iraan 92
Kevin Anderson Meridian 92
Darren Burgess Yantis 94
Carl Jordan Yantis 96
Blake Hunter Lindsay 96
Jonathan Williams Goldthwaite 97
Forrest Lane Olton 98
Spencer Plagens Garden City 98
Hunter Loch Lindsay 100
James Craig Goldthwaite 100
Jacob Hall Lindsay 105
Cheyne Guinn Meridian 108
Granger - Thanks for posting the scores from today's round. I'll be looking forward to seeing the final results tomorrow evening. :wink:
Congrats to Robert Lee and Logan Philley

2008 UIL Girls 1A Golf- Final Results
Morris Williams Golf Course, (Par 72, 4,989 yards)

Team Results

School Day 1 Day 2 Total
Matin's Mill 353 320 673
Wellington 390 370 760
Baird 390 384 774
Merit Bland 422 424 846
Iraan 435 417 852
Goldthwaite 435 428 863
Fort Davis 433 431 864
Flatonia 438 446 884

Individual Results

Player Name School Name Score #1 Score #2 Player Total
Gabriella Dominguez Chilton 70 70 140
Brittany Smith Petrolia 72 72 144
Emily Wharton Martin's Mill 82 72 154
Carly Holland Wellington 87 74 161
Macalee Lane Olton 81 80 161
Macy Davis Memphis 81 83 164
Christa Williams Martin's Mill 88 79 167
Jennifer Perry Iraan 86 84 170
Alex Neal Baird 89 83 172
Tera Wendland Merit Bland 85 88 173
Whitney Johnson Martin's Mill 91 83 174
Emily Williams Martin's Mill 92 86 178
Kayla Ashmore Wellington 96 84 180
Korie Wilson O'Donnell 92 89 181
Ashley Stephenson Brackettville Brackett 92 92 184
Mitzy McDowell Baird 96 94 190
Ashley Brown Grapeland 92 98 190
Cheryl Novak Flatonia 94 97 191
Kelady Wendland Merit Bland 94 102 196
Kat Johnston Baird 97 100 197
Whitney Wilson Goldthwaite 95 102 197
Mallory Kerley Fort Davis 92 107 199
Kacy Bartlett Wellington 103 103 206
Ashton Mulholland Flatonia 106 104 210
Megan Rodriguez Wellington 104 109 213
Ivy Byram Baird 108 107 215
Kayla Glidewell Martin's Mill 106 110 216
Alex Hernandez Fort Davis 112 104 216
Kacee Burks Iraan 115 103 218
Courtney Head Goldthwaite 113 105 218
Kayla Bufe Goldthwaite 111 108 219
Lakota Everett Iraan 110 113 223
KC Avery Fort Davis 115 110 225
Kourtney McDonald Graford 116 110 226
Lindsay Allred Wellington 115 112 227
Morgan McNatt Merit Bland 118 111 229
Brittney Dela Rosa Goldthwaite 116 113 229
Jeren Kimball Fort Davis 114 115 229
Shelby Lara Fort Davis 121 110 231
Michelle Robbins Baird 123 115 238
Erin Vire Flatonia 116 123 239
Ruby Bausch Iraan 124 117 241
Vicky Villa Goldthwaite 123 121 244
Sara Robbins Flatonia 122 122 244
Emily Doonan Merit Bland 125 123 248
Tiffany Dorris Iraan 130 128 258
Brittany Hightower Merit Bland 143 140 283

2008 UIL 1A Boys Golf- Final Results
Morris Williams Golf Course (Par 72 6,637 yards)

Team Results

School Day 1 Day 2 Total
Robert Lee 328 330 658
Iraan 349 330 679
Goldthwaite 352 344 696
Garden City 355 345 700
Yantis 351 354 705
Meridian 348 364 712
Lindsay 368 358 726
Olton 365 361 726

Individual Results

Ruston Boyd Grapeland 77 74 151
Logan Philley Robert Lee 74 79 153
Cameron Swarb White Deer 74 80 154
Kagan Maxcey Iraan 82 75 157
Nancen Kainer Flatonia 79 80 159
Teddy Brabham Bloomburg 79 80 159
Cord Burnett Yantis 78 83 161
Sam Smith Archer City 78 83 161
Lane Nowlin Brackettville Brackett 80 82 162
Brody Dillard Robert Lee 83 82 165
Walt Clifton Goldthwaite 84 81 165
Tyler Rister Hamlin 82 83 165
Cameron Hodge Robert Lee 85 81 166
Tanner McLean Goldthwaite 82 86 168
Keith Hermes Lindsay 83 86 169
Marcus Cook Garden City 84 86 170
Rance Norton Meridian 83 88 171
Josh Heilman Lindsay 89 82 171
Hayden Halfmann Garden City 91 81 172
Kuaid Fuentes Iraan 89 84 173
Haden Dillard Robert Lee 86 88 174
David Murphey Meridian 86 88 174
Dale Schuman Sunray 90 85 175
Peter Ortiz Iraan 90 86 176
Cory Baker Goldthwaite 89 87 176
Bobby Workman Olton 89 87 176
Call Cade Iraan 92 85 177
Matthew Jimenez Olton 88 89 177
Mason Ross Robert Lee 87 91 178
Brian Hirt Garden City 91 87 178
Seve Jimenez Olton 90 88 178
Todd Hooker Iraan 88 92 180
Kenny Nunez Yantis 88 92 180
Kevin Eickholt Meridian 87 93 180
Eric Hirt Garden City 89 92 181
Carl Jordan Yantis 96 86 182
Daniel Cerretani Yantis 91 93 184
Jonathan Williams Goldthwaite 97 90 187
Daren Burgess Yantis 94 93 187
Kevin Anderson Meridian 92 95 187
Spencer Plagens Garden City 98 91 189
James Craig Goldthwaite 100 92 192
Hunter Loch Lindsay 100 93 193
Blake Hunter Lindsay 96 97 193
Forrest Lane Olton 98 97 195
Jacob Hall Lindsay 105 104 209
Cheyne Guinn Meridian 108 106 214
Just wanted to add my congratulations to Robert Lee.

It is easier to explain that you can't win district or regionals when the other team from your district is the state champ.

You guys played well when it counted and that is to be admired. Great job! I look forward to going at it head to head with you (at district and hopefully at regionals and state ) again next year