Sideline stat program


11-man fan
I am looking for a simple program for an i-pad or i-phone on which to keep stats during the game. They would mostly be used to send to the paper quickly after a game without checking stats by film. Anybody out there have a good one they could recommend? Needs to be user friendly because there may a different person using it each week.

[email protected] or reply on this thread.

Coach Jackson at Ropes has a couple! Call and check in with him. I have been toying with downloading the ones he showed me but I do not have their website address, it is at home right now!
We use Itouchdown at Ropes. Works pretty good for us. Easy to email stats to anyone right after the game straight from the app.
This is slightly off subject, but this seems like a good place for it. I would like to receive player and team stats for all teams. I want to create a permanent file of them to make player/team research easier. If you are willing to help me out, please email stats to [email protected]