Seguin Lifegate 6 Man Clinic - June 25


Six-man pro
Registration information for the Six Man Football Coaches Clinic at Seguin Lifegate Christian School is now available. It has been mailed to all the schools in my database (over 250) and a whole bunch of folks on e-mail.

The clinic will be held Friday, June 25th. Speakers include Vance Jones (Garden City HS, UIL D1 Champion), Mike Reed (Throckmorton), Brice Helton (Dallas Covenant), Robert Huckabee (Rockwall Heritage), and Todd Ivicic (Univ of Inc Word, NCAA D2, Def Coord). A breakout session directed to the first year program will be moderated by Jim Bergeron (SA River City Believers).

E-mail me at [email protected] and I will send a PDF of the brochure to you.
Reminder -- costs $10 more to sign up after June 1st. Same speakers, same information, same food, same door prizes ... just $10 more.

And you'd rather keep the $10, right ... also you can send four coaches for $170 (through June 1).

Download brochure at the link above:
(this is NOT a TAPPS event ... but Bryan was kind enough to put it on their site -- clinic is open to all schools)

or e-mail me at [email protected]
As of today, we have 65 coaches registered for the clinic, including coaches from Florida and New Mexico. The room holds 200; so there's still room for more!

Registrations received after Tuesday are $65/coach. But being that I'm a nice guy, if you e-mail me by June 2nd and tell me you're coming (and will be mailing a check within the week), I'll still sign you up for $55 (or four coaches for $170).

After that, I'm gonna be pretty mean and stick with the $65 price, partly because all of a sudden, there are business committments that make June the month from h-e-double-hockey-sticks.

John Taddy
[email protected]
210 378 3121
Got 75 coaches signed up so far.

Got a deal ... if you are Coach #100 to sign up for the clinic, I'm going to give you a $100 bill at the clinic.

PS -- You gotta sign up in advance to be eligible for this prize ... no at the door registration eligible for the $100 prize. (On all contests and prizes, the decision of the judge is final. And I'm the judge).