From Lubbock, Midland, and Amarillo Newspapers, and
Sands 62
Loop 34
Grady 86
Klondike 20
Ira 66
Borden County 33
Jayton 53
Guthrie 39
O'Donnell 38
Tahoka 35
Booker 58
Hedley 54
Follett 72
Higgins 29
Fort Elliott 47
Miami 38
Groom 78
Lefors 46
McLean 67
Samnorwood 40
Silverton 56
Kress 53
Comstock 59
Uvalde Tafolla 36
Sundown 41
O'Donnell 32
Morton 50
Whiteface 44
Lazbuddie 47
Happy 44
Southland 40
Wilson 29
Valley 40
Motley County 34
Grady 53
Klondike 38
Sands 47
Loop 43 OT
Borden County 62
Ira 38
Guthrie 55
Jayton 25
Bronte 38
Garden City 31
Hedley 50
Booker 44
Follett 80
Higgins 27
Groom 60
Lefors 27
Silverton 60
Kress 28
New Deal 37
Whitharral 27
Richland Springs 41
Lohn 25
McLean 85
Samnorwood 12