The Captain
Six-man fan
Teaching fields: Math, English, Science (No PE/Health or Social Studies)
Pay: Sands pays $8500 above state base and per sport stipends (stipends are very competitive). All coaches are on an 11-month contract. Sands CISD pays a stipend for Math and Science as well. Housing is provided at low rent ($200-$225) plus the utilities. All houses have privacy fence, carports, and small storage units. The district pays $500 towards employee health insurance. The district also has a longevity stipend paid in July each year after the first year and an annual Christmas Bonus paid each year.
Sands CISD passed a bond to build a new Pre-K-12 grade school with all new facilities and upgrades to existing facilities. Projected completion date of July 1, 2025.
Please download an application form from Sands website.
Application may be found under the District Resources tab, quick links, employment opportunities.
Send an application and resume to Lenny Morrow, Principal at [email protected] 432-271-2148 or Wayne Henderson, Superintendent/AD at [email protected] 940-207-0036
Pay: Sands pays $8500 above state base and per sport stipends (stipends are very competitive). All coaches are on an 11-month contract. Sands CISD pays a stipend for Math and Science as well. Housing is provided at low rent ($200-$225) plus the utilities. All houses have privacy fence, carports, and small storage units. The district pays $500 towards employee health insurance. The district also has a longevity stipend paid in July each year after the first year and an annual Christmas Bonus paid each year.
Sands CISD passed a bond to build a new Pre-K-12 grade school with all new facilities and upgrades to existing facilities. Projected completion date of July 1, 2025.
Please download an application form from Sands website.
Application may be found under the District Resources tab, quick links, employment opportunities.
Send an application and resume to Lenny Morrow, Principal at [email protected] 432-271-2148 or Wayne Henderson, Superintendent/AD at [email protected] 940-207-0036