Robert Lee, the six man San Angelo

Easy: Cost, hassle, and it is an 11man field.

Why play there when you can play in Robert Lee, Garden City, Rankin, Blackwell, Hermleigh or Trent? No field modifications needed, not as expensive and you are keeping the dollars in smalls schools/towns and also it is very likely one or both teams have previously played on that field. A lot less hassle is involved all the way around.

I'd rather teams play in a six-man town and on a six-man field that can accommodate.
There are a couple of advantages to playing in an 11-man stadium (especially leading up to the State Game) playing on a modified field. I feel the kids need to get used to painted sidelines (lots of incidental late hits, so need to see it in game action). Also, fielding a kickoff 9 yards deep in the endzone but not aware they are in the endzone (since it looks like the one yard line). Those are just a couple of things I feel like teams need to see before going to AT&T...just my opinion, of course.

Other than that, we like playing on sixman fields (one less thing to worry about -- field modification, and the kids are used to it).
There are a couple of advantages to playing in an 11-man stadium (especially leading up to the State Game) playing on a modified field. I feel the kids need to get used to painted sidelines (lots of incidental late hits, so need to see it in game action). Also, fielding a kickoff 9 yards deep in the endzone but not aware they are in the endzone (since it looks like the one yard line). Those are just a couple of things I feel like teams need to see before going to AT&T...just my opinion, of course.

Other than that, we like playing on sixman fields (one less thing to worry about -- field modification, and the kids are used to it).
Ok so I have a question then. Would it be best to play at a bigger school where the field has to be modified, play at a former 11 man school that painted sixman markings (i.e. Mertzon, Bronte) or play at a school like Sterling City or Lockney with both lines in the turf?
Ok so I have a question then. Would it be best to play at a bigger school where the field has to be modified, play at a former 11 man school that painted sixman markings (i.e. Mertzon, Bronte) or play at a school like Sterling City or Lockney with both lines in the turf?
Easiest would be playing on fields that don't have to be set-up...they are ready to go, and you don't have to worry about anything other than the game. Bigger stadiums are better if a good crowd shows up, but that's about it...playing on a modified field is important regardless of how big the stands are (IMO).
I know this is private school experience, but one of the problems with neutral site fields is that they cost a whole lotta loot and it's almost impossible to break even on the game. You might get the host school to open up a concessions stand, but I've seen that not happen as well. I remember one time we needed a site between San Antonio and Houston. Had a good lead on a facility, in fact, the head coach there had his daughter enrolled at our school (the parents were divorced). So, we figured we'd have an in, right. Well, it was going to be $2400 for the field, plus money for them to mark the field (really only the 40 yard width lines) and all sorts of other stuff that was going to kick the cost up to close to $4000. The opponent and I decided hey, let's flip for home field and bring the officials from the visitors TASO chapter. Worked real well. Except we lost.
There are a couple of advantages to playing in an 11-man stadium (especially leading up to the State Game) playing on a modified field. I feel the kids need to get used to painted sidelines (lots of incidental late hits, so need to see it in game action). Also, fielding a kickoff 9 yards deep in the endzone but not aware they are in the endzone (since it looks like the one yard line). Those are just a couple of things I feel like teams need to see before going to AT&T...just my opinion, of course.

Other than that, we like playing on sixman fields (one less thing to worry about -- field modification, and the kids are used to it).
Coach, you echo my thoughts just shortly before I read your post. I think when you get to the QF/Semi level they should be in a larger venue to expose the teams to such, maybe some regionals. Plus, sometimes the capacity is needed. As a Strawn fan I know, when the playoff's get serious, we travel well so to speak. I've seen us fill 3A-4A stadiums well over 1/2-2/3 full many times. As far back as 1998 in I believe Burleson for the semi. Then again in 2003 for the semi in Brownwood's Gordon Wood stadium vs Richland Springs, a springboard to Ratliff stadium in Odessa of Friday Night Lights fame for the largest attendance at a sixman championship up to that point. More recently Springtown in 2018 on the way to AT&T.
I know this is private school experience, but one of the problems with neutral site fields is that they cost a whole lotta loot and it's almost impossible to break even on the game. You might get the host school to open up a concessions stand, but I've seen that not happen as well. I remember one time we needed a site between San Antonio and Houston. Had a good lead on a facility, in fact, the head coach there had his daughter enrolled at our school (the parents were divorced). So, we figured we'd have an in, right. Well, it was going to be $2400 for the field, plus money for them to mark the field (really only the 40 yard width lines) and all sorts of other stuff that was going to kick the cost up to close to $4000. The opponent and I decided hey, let's flip for home field and bring the officials from the visitors TASO chapter. Worked real well. Except we lost.
I remember you guys at Seguin got a home playoff game vs Top ranked Brenham … good memories from those days … some good 6man ball was played between 2007-2011!!

Fields don’t matter to me, but I do like the 6man stadiums…. Trent ISD has a great set up as well as Hermleigh.. those are the only two TURF six man stadiums I’ve seen in person
ACHS has a brand new sports complex, all fields turf, believe it's 11-man field but also marked for 6-man. Trent and Hermleigh are really nice facilities as well. Blackwell has turf, if they haven't replaced it in the last couple years since I was there, it's in rough shape.
At Robert Lee, I hear the administration really likes to have playoff games both football and basketball. Secondly, most coaches like to play on 6 man fields, not 11 man. Also the field is turf and has plenty of room on the sidelines ( If a school has aspirations of getting to the State Championship game, then an 11 man field could be best to get used to adjusted field markings on ATT field). There is plenty of seating, except in the games that are second or third round games where lots of other people come that are not associated with the teams playing. Probably has more seating than any other 6 man school around San Angelo ( and some 2A and 3A schools in the area). There is plenty of standing room around the fence. I have even seen them put chairs behind the end zones for bands when expecting large crowds. The press box is large enough for each team to have coaches in their own room. Dressing rooms are plenty large enough even if teams bring their JV teams to suit up. Not to mention a good concession stand to eat and feed teams after the games. That is why I think schools like to play at Robert Lee.

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