I would have to finish my degree in order for that to ever happen. That’s just not my desire in this season of my life. I do have plans to do some individual consulting with coaches in Sixman. I’m speaking to a couple right now.
My vision is much broader than just coaching sports. I have great love for the sixman community more now than ever though. I’m already a coach just in a different way.
I want to see this spirit of excellence in every sixman school. It’s great to see dominant eras like Richland Springs and Strawn, but I believe the principles applied in these programs can be duplicated in every program. IF the administration, community, and coaching staff buys into it.
That’s a big IF but I believe humility is the beginning phase of this process. One of the coaches I’m consulting right now has the “It factor.” Mix that with him being a fellow brother in Christ makes this consulting process 100% easier. I’m going to reveal everything I know to this guy, and I’ll do the same to anyone else willing to listen. Because the things I know were never meant for me to keep.
Here’s something I said to a coach last night that is my philosophy:
Inside all of us is a divine blueprint of success. The kingdom is within us. We access it by faith. As we access it, it comes out differently for every man because God in His awesomeness and creativity has that ability to distribute different blueprints of success for every single human being who ever was, is, and will ever be. That’s has vast and awesome God is.
So for you, God wants to use you to build a program that is as successful as the Richland dynasty. He doesn’t favor RS over other programs.
The point is this: stop focusing on RS and begin to access this blueprint God has already given you. Once you access it, everything around you turns to gold like Donald J. Trump.