Richland Springs Coaching Position


Six-man fan
Richland Springs coaching position available.

Looking for teachers aide with possible defensive coaching spot available.

For more information contact Wesley Rigdon at 850-291-7174
I think this is the 1st time I’ve ever seen a Coaching position posted with Teacher Aide attached with it. I’ve seen Coaching only positions posted for the private schools, but nothing like this for the UIL schools. “Things that make you go Hmmmmmm”
I have seen a custodian as a head coach, but haven't seen an aide as assistant. I think the only requirement to coach at a UIL school is to be a school employee.
On second thought, I do recall an instance of an aide being a coach, and very successful I might add.
Johnny South":rcf25w9d said:
I have seen a custodian as a head coach, but haven't seen an aide as assistant. I think the only requirement to coach at a UIL school is to be a school employee.

Wouldn't the coaching duties have to be on paid on a hourly basis instead as a stipend? My public school administrator friends tell me that is the "killer" to hiring non-salaried employees as coaches.