Realignment, if geography means anything...

It's all relative. Most of the six man schools are in Central and West Texas, so what is considered "East" will depend on how many schools are west of I35, which is most of them.
Old Bearkat":34ts8p22 said:
It's all relative. Most of the six man schools are in Central and West Texas, so what is considered "East" will depend on how many schools are west of I35, which is most of them.

And anyway, what means anything for UIL alignment is the dart-throwing ability of the drunken monkeys on crack that determine realignment.

What day do the monkeys get out of rehab, by the way (also known as the date realignment is released)?
Old Bearkat":y1xqddak said:
It's all relative. Most of the six man schools are in Central and West Texas, so what is considered "East" will depend on how many schools are west of I35, which is most of them.

You obviously didn't look at the map....

Is there any chance of going to eight team districts this alignment? Many of the scheduling problems would be instantly solved.

And, a district championship would then mean something. Take as many as you want to the playoffs, three, or four, the weak will be weeded out shortly anyway.
CoyoteHoops":1v7mc08n said:
Old Bearkat":1v7mc08n said:
It's all relative. Most of the six man schools are in Central and West Texas, so what is considered "East" will depend on how many schools are west of I35, which is most of them.

You obviously didn't look at the map....


What part of "west of I35, which is most of them." did you not understasnd?
CoyoteHoops":38ohjqp7 said:
Old Bearkat":38ohjqp7 said:
It's all relative. Most of the six man schools are in Central and West Texas, so what is considered "East" will depend on how many schools are west of I35, which is most of them.

You obviously didn't look at the map....


What part of "west of I35, which is most of them." did you not understand?
Johnny South":220n0i33 said:
Is there any chance of going to eight team districts this alignment? Many of the scheduling problems would be instantly solved.

And, a district championship would then mean something. Take as many as you want to the playoffs, three, or four, the weak will be weeded out shortly anyway.

Take five and you could go to sixteen weeks and play at the same stadium on the same weekend as the big boys. Using tape for the sixman sideline seemed to work well at Early Stadium for the R.S. vs Jonesboro game, even in the cold downpour. Just something to think about. I have absolutely no say in the matter, but some of you do have some pull with the ones in charge. Is there any interest?
Johnny South":270lbpv8 said:
Johnny South":270lbpv8 said:
Is there any chance of going to eight team districts this alignment? Many of the scheduling problems would be instantly solved.

And, a district championship would then mean something. Take as many as you want to the playoffs, three, or four, the weak will be weeded out shortly anyway.

Take five and you could go to sixteen weeks and play at the same stadium on the same weekend as the big boys. Using tape for the sixman sideline seemed to work well at Early Stadium for the R.S. vs Jonesboro game, even in the cold downpour. Just something to think about. I have absolutely no say in the matter, but some of you do have some pull with the ones in charge. Is there any interest?
I so agree. The "old skool" guys think that taking more than 1 is watering down the playoffs. But it is, and always has been, my opinion that having 8 districts with 8 or 9 in each district and taking the top 4 would increase the quality of teams in the playoffs. 32 teams is 32 teams, in an ideal world, it would be the best 32, but the system we have now, we see a team that is ranked 54 out of 69 making the playoffs.

Current district C has 4 teams. Ranked 6, 13, 15, and 43 in the state. (pretty strong district)
Current district D has 5 teams. Ranked 9, 37, 39, 46, 50, and 59 in the state. (pretty weak district)
In the current system. The teams ranked 6 and 13 is most likely to go to the playoffs in district C. 15 and 43 start basketball.
The district D will send the two teams ranked 9 and 37.

Now, change that to 8 districts with 8 or 9 in each district. District C and D now become 1 district called district B. Top 4 teams will be 6, 9, 13 and 15.

15th ranked team instead of the 37th ranked team. Your quality of playoff teams just went up and a team that shouldn't be in the playoffs anyway is starting basketball. Seems like a no brainer to me.

As far as taking 5...... I don't think playing on the same weekend as the others is a good thing. We would get the Thursday morning at 8am time slot. I like it being on Saturday, even if it is at a different location. JMHO.
I think that UIL is a victim of society, the everybody get a trophy, to some extent. I do not know if they will ever go back to the 8 or 9 team districts. Fewer people make playoffs, UIL makes more money, all may be considerations. That old mindset brought some particular issues. If you were in a large district and you play the best two teams the first rattle out of the box and lose, it was hard to keep teams motivated if they knew they were playing for "pride". Right or Wrong, certainly have no clue. Another thing that folks did was play double round robin schedules (for travel). Say a 5 or 6 team district, play everyone twice. Some counted both games, some only the second time around. Been there done that.

I do not have the answer, some one does but kind of like Texas weather. If you do not like it today, tomorrow can be different.

Just saying
HP Drifter":3e1uv2lf said:
I think that UIL is a victim of society, the everybody get a trophy, to some extent. I do not know if they will ever go back to the 8 or 9 team districts. Fewer people make playoffs, UIL makes more money, all may be considerations. That old mindset brought some particular issues. If you were in a large district and you play the best two teams the first rattle out of the box and lose, it was hard to keep teams motivated if they knew they were playing for "pride". Right or Wrong, certainly have no clue. Another thing that folks did was play double round robin schedules (for travel). Say a 5 or 6 team district, play everyone twice. Some counted both games, some only the second time around. Been there done that.

I do not have the answer, some one does but kind of like Texas weather. If you do not like it today, tomorrow can be different.

Just saying

I'm not saying to take only two from the eight team district. Take four and you will be right where you are now with the four team districts. Take five, and with byes, you will go for the sixteen week season.
Old Bearkat":1hn56hma said:
CoyoteHoops":1hn56hma said:
Old Bearkat":1hn56hma said:
It's all relative. Most of the six man schools are in Central and West Texas, so what is considered "East" will depend on how many schools are west of I35, which is most of them.

You obviously didn't look at the map....


What part of "west of I35, which is most of them." did you not understasnd?

What part of east being east, and west being west did you not understand?

The I35 thing is totally irrelevant.