Rating system


11-man fan
Don't see how Knox City is moved ahead of BC. They have not played a quality opponent like Crowell. This ranking and spread system doesn't seem to take in account for opponents played. Maybe some human input and common sense should be part of this system.
Is this the first rankings complaint post of the new season? Or have I not been keeping up enough?

I think the two teams mentioned get to settle it the old fashioned way this Friday night.
granger":abucuupj said:
Here's the deal... I get it, how did this happen? I know you all see one specific game, but I have to deal with over 120. I worry about the system. I always suggest you try this page, specifically the two teams



It is close and will be decided on the field. It is a game played by teenagers. Anyone who says they know what's going to happen is a liar.

Guru Granger, on a almost Monday, with young kids, don't worry, be happy.
Captain72":1w4r0hrv said:
Don't see how Knox City is moved ahead of BC. They have not played a quality opponent like Crowell. This ranking and spread system doesn't seem to take in account for opponents played. Maybe some human input and common sense should be part of this system.

Don't both teams play each other this Friday night??

Bet its settled then and the winner moves up most likely.

I may have to slide down to KC for this one!!! :-)
Ok I apologize for using a phrase like common sense to describe my thoughts on the ranking system. However after to night you can see why it seems to be inefficient on its own to accurately rank teams. Just seems obvious when I look over competition played that Knox City was overrated. I did not intend to trash your efforts in ranking system.
51eleven":bb4lx4v5 said:
smokeyjoe53":bb4lx4v5 said:
You either have a subjective ranking system or a system based ranking.......... Take your pick...........

Or a dart board, with a drunken monkey throwing the darts.
I thought that was Shad & Cowboy's ranking system with Cowboy taking the monkey's place............
oldfat&bald":dfv80v8u said:
Is this the first rankings complaint post of the new season? Or have I not been keeping up enough?

I think the two teams mentioned get to settle it the old fashioned way this Friday night.

I too am really surprised at the lack of criticism of the toy thus far into the season.
Has it finally become recognized for it's greatness?
CowboyP":1p5lskxb said:
smokeyjoe53":1p5lskxb said:
51eleven":1p5lskxb said:
smokeyjoe53":1p5lskxb said:
You either have a subjective ranking system or a system based ranking.......... Take your pick...........
Or a dart board, with a drunken monkey throwing the darts.
I thought that was Shad & Cowboy's ranking system with Cowboy taking the monkey's place............
Thanks for the laugh CP, been feelin down and really needed one.