Rainjack sponsors Sixmania's state game broadcasts

No, it's my fault for trying to joke around about old stuff. I was hoping maybe Goob and RJ would take a few jabs at each other for old times sake. But now it's tuned into This...
........,,, “making the JH kids throw on boxing gloves and beat the crap out of each other.”
Sounds like a great coach to me... Boxing, weight lifting and Heaven Forbid, DODGEBALL, were mandatory and sometimes brutal parts of practice. It toughened you up for the combat of football and life. And when we were drafted into the military we had some preparation for military training and life. “GET UP, YOU GOTTA GET UP”, over and over and over. It prepares you for real life 101. Doesn’t do a dang thing for your keyboard skills though.
What we need on this thread is MILFORD ! They know what Insane Loyalty to their squad is. Love ‘em or Leave ‘em their esprit de corps shines blindingly through to convince the doubters to persevere, always headed for the goal.
And before anyone names me a Milford fan, like they named me a Richland Springs fan, I live hundreds of miles from both and, as far as I know, not related to anyone there either.
Just saying....,,,,,,,,,,,Where’s Milford? We need em now!
FCSA you have mentioned several times being part of the military I forget what branch and job. I myself am a military guy and have heard the stories of how things were done in the past both military and civilian wise. I will respectfully have to disagree with you on one part and I think you might see where I’m coming from because of what we know of today with head injuries. The boxing thing would be good if their was a boxing team, boxing coach, or someone with a boxing background to teach these kids how to convert boxing skills into football. NFL teams use this practice. If you don’t have that it’s just risking unnecessary injuries that can be long term. I don’t know if anyone on the Richland Staff meets the requirements to lead anything with boxing.
We wore boxing head gear such as it was. Our football helmets had one, some two bars. We drove cars with no car seats or seat belts. Unless you had something broken, like an arm, leg or tooth you didn’t go to the doctor.
We rode in the backs of pick up trucks. We rode bicycles with no helmets and on and on but by and large most of us made it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m 110% for safety but not coddling. You have to know what you can take and what you can’t. You had to define your own limits but often times you stretched further than you thought you could. When you didn’t have something you needed you invented or improvised. There was no microwave, Amazon prime instant satisfaction or solution. So you suffered some, you healed, when you needed something you improvised and made something happen, much like a quarterback on a busted play.
I’m afraid 80-90% of that kind of thinking is gone in this country. But not in others. They are where we were 50 years ago and they want what we have and are better prepared to get it. Look at the Mighty Mites, overcoming enormous odds to succeed. We are no longer a Warrior Nation, we are one of candy stripes and lemon lime. The number of kids in this country playing football has declined over 20% in 10 years. A movement started by soccer moms and dads, not because it was necessarily safer but it was what the social media demands. Keep them in a bubble, provide for their every want, not need, and then sit and wonder how they made such terrible choices in their lives with drugs and violent behavior developef on computer “games” that removes them from the reality and responsibility of their behavior, ....like shooting up schools and each other.
Gosh ! What went wrong?
Just saying.........
Again still not debating that things are getting softer as times go by. I will say some of it is good most of it is bad we do need to install more toughness into people of all ages. Hearing someone say I can’t do this my knee hurts does piss me off because I had many injuries in the military that I just put in the back of my mind. I do believe to get the best out of our athletes at any level today we need the right training and right people to lead the training that’s really all I was getting at.
MA1984":20aqglvs said:
FCSA you have mentioned several times being part of the military I forget what branch and job. I myself am a military guy and have heard the stories of how things were done in the past both military and civilian wise. I will respectfully have to disagree with you on one part and I think you might see where I’m coming from because of what we know of today with head injuries. The boxing thing would be good if their was a boxing team, boxing coach, or someone with a boxing background to teach these kids how to convert boxing skills into football. NFL teams use this practice. If you don’t have that it’s just risking unnecessary injuries that can be long term. I don’t know if anyone on the Richland Staff meets the requirements to lead anything with boxing.

* I like this, would agree with it. Check out my grandads book "west texas middleweight". Great story, sad outcome
FCSA football":gldhrcpg said:
We wore boxing head gear such as it was. Our football helmets had one, some two bars. We drove cars with no car seats or seat belts. Unless you had something broken, like an arm, leg or tooth you didn’t go to the doctor.
We rode in the backs of pick up trucks. We rode bicycles with no helmets and on and on but by and large most of us made it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m 110% for safety but not coddling. You have to know what you can take and what you can’t. You had to define your own limits but often times you stretched further than you thought you could. When you didn’t have something you needed you invented or improvised. There was no microwave, Amazon prime instant satisfaction or solution. So you suffered some, you healed, when you needed something you improvised and made something happen, much like a quarterback on a busted play.
I’m afraid 80-90% of that kind of thinking is gone in this country. But not in others. They are where we were 50 years ago and they want what we have and are better prepared to get it. Look at the Mighty Mites, overcoming enormous odds to succeed. We are no longer a Warrior Nation, we are one of candy stripes and lemon lime. The number of kids in this country playing football has declined over 20% in 10 years. A movement started by soccer moms and dads, not because it was necessarily safer but it was what the social media demands. Keep them in a bubble, provide for their every want, not need, and then sit and wonder how they made such terrible choices in their lives with drugs and violent behavior developef on computer “games” that removes them from the reality and responsibility of their behavior, ....like shooting up schools and each other.
Gosh ! What went wrong?
Just saying.........

* I agree with you too FCSA, great points, you're right. What do they call it now, "toxic masculinity"? The social media project is just the highest form of propaganda to brainwash people now. Feminism is killing this country, yet the so called feminists look like o linemen. I dont get it... kids, teachers, and so on are advocating for socialism and even at WTAMU where I went are mostly one sided. I think they're just trying to kill football, culture, morality.
You are right. Change History to fit your story, destroy the culture and create it in their preferred model.
Kind of like the movie “The Stepford Wives”, but in reverse. The question that will come to them all too late is: “who is going to fight for us and protect us now?”?
The vast majority of our past military came from the west, south and south eastern part of the country where the description of a person of being “a mans man” was positive. It included Cowboys, farmers, ranchers, coal miners and lots and lots of kids that at one time or another played football. “Tough enough” guys.
Now, being “a mans man” is used as evidence against you to prove you are a beast and obviously guilty of something, therefore you are an unsavory person best to be convicted or at least avoided so your fingers will be clean on your pristine keyboard as you remold the Country In your “Vision”.

Today however, we get to enjoy the day of play offs and watch those kids that are “Tough Enough” to play the rugged and as yet, not extinct game of Football! Yea !