We wore boxing head gear such as it was. Our football helmets had one, some two bars. We drove cars with no car seats or seat belts. Unless you had something broken, like an arm, leg or tooth you didn’t go to the doctor.
We rode in the backs of pick up trucks. We rode bicycles with no helmets and on and on but by and large most of us made it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m 110% for safety but not coddling. You have to know what you can take and what you can’t. You had to define your own limits but often times you stretched further than you thought you could. When you didn’t have something you needed you invented or improvised. There was no microwave, Amazon prime instant satisfaction or solution. So you suffered some, you healed, when you needed something you improvised and made something happen, much like a quarterback on a busted play.
I’m afraid 80-90% of that kind of thinking is gone in this country. But not in others. They are where we were 50 years ago and they want what we have and are better prepared to get it. Look at the Mighty Mites, overcoming enormous odds to succeed. We are no longer a Warrior Nation, we are one of candy stripes and lemon lime. The number of kids in this country playing football has declined over 20% in 10 years. A movement started by soccer moms and dads, not because it was necessarily safer but it was what the social media demands. Keep them in a bubble, provide for their every want, not need, and then sit and wonder how they made such terrible choices in their lives with drugs and violent behavior developef on computer “games” that removes them from the reality and responsibility of their behavior, ....like shooting up schools and each other.
Gosh ! What went wrong?
Just saying.........