R.S. Horn


Six-man fan
Man,that horn is loud,I thought by halftime it would run out of air,RS won the first half and the horn was blowing,
Second half when Calvert took the lead,The crowd on Calvert's side yelled blow the Horn! And with great respect the RS horn blew,thought that was nice.
Surprised the Hico police wasn't called ,disturbing the peace.J/K
AND, they have great burgers. Have not heard the horn this year but it I remember it being louder than Strawns. Figured that was the intent.
Right on smokey,Hico does a great job!
Several good places to eat before and after the game.
Have to get there early to get a spot to eat,at least
this past weekend was .
I can't think of sixman playoffs without Hico being
involved.Great memory of parking,few years back,couple houses coupled their water hose's in front of their house ,stretching across two driveways to block
cars-trucks from parking in front of their yard.My son went to college with Hico alum,I got free parking in their driveway.Jersey Lilly hire some xtra help for special event weekends.