Prayers for Nazareth


Six-man fan
Saturday evening Nazareth had two students involved in an ATV accident. Both students were thrown from the vehicle. One student has minor injuries and was able to get ahold of authorities. Zane Schulte was air lifted to Lubbock with a collar bone and spine injury. He has use of all extremities and does not have any head or neck injuries. He went into surgery late last night to have an operation to brace his T12 vertebrae with his T11 and L1. Zane is in good spirits and doing well today. He will have a long road to recovery but as of now seems to be doing well. Please keep Zane, his family and the rest of our community in your prayers as we help them with his road to recovery.
Thanks in advance,
Tyler Goodwin
I wish Zane the best during this difficult time and on his road to recovery. Prayers being sent to everyone involved and the community from Miami.
I saw a picture of this young man on Facebook with Pete Christy (I believe) and he looked to be in good spirits, so that's great! Prayers for a full and speedy recovery!