So I have a question after talking to a friend about practice days leading up to game day. I’m curious if practicing in less than full pads at less than full speed is the norm now days? I ask because it blew my mind when we were talking football and he told me that the team where he lives never has practice in full pads. He said they do shorts, helmets and shoulder pads Monday-Wednesday. He also said they don’t run full speed drills, no full speed tackling/hitting, and really just no “game style” contact. I’m not sure if that is due to new rules to try to limit concussions that have been enacted since I played (I am 49 so it’s been awhile lol) or if that’s just how that specific team chooses practice. I know WAY WAY back then our practices were as hard hitting as game day, sometime worse. Monday-Wednesday were always full speed & full contact. Personally, I would think to get the most out of a team getting ready for a game you would want to simulate game speed/play as closely as possible during practice, but are those days long gone? Genuinely curious.