Packers report $4 mil profit for 2008 season


Six-man pro
In that the Green Bay Packers are the only NFL team to repot their finances (since they are a publicly held corporation), thought you'd like to hear the news that the team made a $4 million profit in the past year, down from previous years.

Also, the team reported a 99.4% season ticket renewal rate, down from 99.8% last year. That means only 192 people came off the 81,000 name waiting list. At that rate, the guy at the end of the list should get tickets in the year 2430. ... 1058/PKR01 ... 20042/1058
Raptor":3uzfvfaj said:
$4 million seems awfully low, doesn't it?

Maybe it was $4m down from last year; read another story that it was $20m. All I know is this stockholder doesn't get a cent of it ... I think they've changed the bylaws, but it used to read that if the Packers were ever sold, the money would go to a local VFW post to build a war memorial.
Raptor":266d7uz2 said:
$4 million seems awfully low, doesn't it?

Maybe it was $4m down from last year; read another story that it was $20m. All I know is this stockholder doesn't get a cent of it ... I think they've changed the bylaws, but it used to read that if the Packers were ever sold, the money would go to a local VFW post to build a war memorial.