Cowboy is a fan! Nothing more, nothing less. Not unbiased as he says. I spoke to him at the Mt Calm versus Trinidad game, and he told a group of us two or three reasons why Trinidad would win. After the game, he had the nerve to blame it on the officials. It was a 45 point win in the third quarter - the officials didn't do that. He picks his favs and sticks with them no matter what. No problem if he's a fan, but he says and acts as though hes an impartial and unbiased member of the press. Do what your good at. Be a fan and enjoy the game. Stop acting as though your something your not. It really puts a negative imprint on your credibility as a person. I was floored how well the coaches and players kept their mouth shut when he spoke to them after the game and explained the officiating. Sorry to be negative about someone who does so much fir our game, but enough is enough. Just sayin