Not good news coming out of LOMETA!!

Do you think it will get to the point
where the prudent coach
simply ceases to text at all
for fear of retaliation?

I have been coaching almost ten years and I can tell you than I do not let even contact students or let students use my cell phone because I things like if there is a dire emergency I will. I contact using the school's phone or tell the kids to borrow someone's phone. As a stupid could he be???? DO these guys realize their careers are over when they do this? I guess bradley and grimes will get to be cell mates!
Now if I had said that , some people's panties would have got in a tightwad. A good lawyer can get them off. It would take a lot of money from his supporters. Maybe grimes supporters will help him out too.
skinitback35":zowg01mw said:
Dogface, I have been coaching almost ten years …… I guess bradley and grimes will get to be cell mates!
JAFO":zowg01mw said:
Now if I had said that , some people's panties would have got in a tightwad. A good lawyer can get them off. It would take a lot of money from his supporters. Maybe grimes supporters will help him out too.

JAFO - only reason you didn't I am sure is because someone beat you to it.

I am very disappointed though that it was a coach that did it … very sad.
Unless there are new reports out, we still don't know what was said, nor to whom it was said.

But this is not a federal crime. This is more a case of really bad judgement and a school district looking to avoid bad press.

But until the facts are known, this is nothing but glorified blue-hair church gossip.
rainjacktx":38b5sdhr said:
Unless there are new reports out, we still don't know what was said, nor to whom it was said.

But this is not a federal crime. This is more a case of really bad judgement and a school district looking to avoid bad press.

But until the facts are known, this is nothing but glorified blue-hair church gossip.
We had a cop come out to school last year
and a school lawyer
they both said the same thing,
text messaging is goverened by the FCC.
Sounds pretty federal to me.
EVERYTHING illegally done with a minor is considered child abuse and/or child porn too...
there's that.

Is there anyone else out there
who has quit texting their players completely?

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