New School Needing JV or Varsity Games

Coach Ivy

11-man fan
Our School is Newman International Academy and we are a first year school. We are looking to fill our schedule for the up coming school year we are open for all weeks. We are in need of scrimmmages also. We are located in Arlington Tx. if anybody is interested in playing just contact Coach Ivy at 682-552-8743 or email me at [email protected]
Coach Ivy wrote:
> Our School is Newman International Academy and we are a first year school.
> We are looking to fill our schedule for the up coming school year we are
> open for all weeks. We are in need of scrimmmages also. We are located in
> Arlington Tx. if anybody is interested in playing just contact Coach Ivy at
> 682-552-8743 or email me at [email protected]

Well, there's a school nobody saw on the radar ... welcome aboard!
That should be pretty easy even at this late date.
Click the schedules button
open the list of schools
find those 3 other Arlington teams and play them all
several times!!!!
Good luck and welcome home.
Coach Ivy, Week 2 works for me & we may be able to get a scrimmage in as well. Let me know if you need anything else? Look forward to visiting with you. This sixman football is fun stuff. Coach Tim 469-223-2144 cell.
Coach Ivy,

We are desperately searching for a week 1 game due to a late cancellation. We will be a young team with no varsity experience. Would love to host you guys. Let me know what you think. We are about an hour and half from metroplex.

Coach Tallon
Saint Jo HS