need vs applicants


Six-man fan
I dont understand this seems like an ideal place for all coaches/teachers to post their availability but there is very little. Does anyone have any comments because there looks like a ton of schools looking for coaches/teachers all over texas.
Looks can be deceiving.
As a job hunter myself,
there doesn't appear (to me) to be
very much opportunity out there.
Unless of course you're Math/Science certified.
Bear in mine that there's several THOUSAND
extra teachers out there now,
and colleges spitting out more each graduation term. is showing only 1200 openings or so.
The school I'm finishing up with
is still looking for ways to cut spending.
They completely did away with my class for next year.
There are 4 empty classrooms on my hall.
Surely you're not basing your estimate
on the few (revolving door?) positions listed here?
Are you?