Need to know


11-man fan
the correct way to file a complaint against a singular referee. i want to emphasize that we had a good crew last night, as 3 out of 4 officials did their job and did it well. I do not want to file a complaint against the crew. One singular referee not only did a bad job, but also acted very unprofessionally. i will spare the details, just want to know the proper course of action.


Corey Burger
Head Football Coach, NBCA
[email protected]
If you have film preferably, a misapplication of rules can be sent to TASO. They will investigate and get back to you. I'm assuming Texas . You can go to UIL website and scratch the guy, this is the ONLY way to do it and make it stick, if you go through the chapter sec, it is not official. If you have film of him doing something like pointing to a coach, berating a player, being an obvious jerk, taso will send him an ugly letter, maybe a bit more, but not a lot to do about it.
Know of 1 that screwed up Friday, if it was one of ours, let me know and will work on it from this end. School where worked is all I need to know.
The official was part of a crew out of TASO- Austin chapter. They worked at Texas School for the Deaf field Saturday night. Im not sure, is that one of yours?