Anybody ever looked into tweaking their predictor systems to include the "other states" six-man teams and create a National 6-Man Ranking System? I bet Granger (if he had the time) and FajitaPete (if he took the challenge) could really stir up some discussions if an "out of state" team wuz ranked above your fav...
There is enough griping with rankings just in Texas, perhaps Sixman Nation does this or at least Tommy Wells used to. Better to leave well enough alone. Georgia not on my mind, why don't you take on the task?
There's not enough crossover to really make it work properly... plus it's a pain in the butt to just get all of the Texas scores. You could only imagine what it would be like trying to get all of them nationwide...
cren22, one thing I DONT like about that link is mah Rochelle Hornets are ranked 153, not 24 (like Grangers Computer better), but again, they are mixin in the 8 and 9 man football teams...