My hats off to the boys in Guthrie.

We played Guthrie week 2 and and when the athletes got off the bus I counted 8. I noticed that one young man was on crutches and another had his arm in a swing. Some were tall and some were small but I as I later found out they all had big hearts!!

The game started and the healthy six Jaguars took the field looking at the opposite sideline at 18+ Crowell Wildcats. Those six boys played both sides of the ball for two hard fought quarters before the mercy rule caught up with em at the half. I was very impressed with the grit they possessed!

The Guthrie boys got a small bag of food from the concession stand, parents hugged their necks and everyone left the field.

Now fast forward a couple days. I go to the field to check on something and see a piece of paper blew up against the fence. I pick up the paper and noticed under the mud on the piece of what I thought was trash was actually a program from our game with Guthrie. I didnt get a program when I entered the game for whatever reason so I brushed the mud from the Guthrie side so I could read the names and ages of those that gave it their all for those two tough guarters just two days before.

To my amazement I noticed that there was not ONE SENIOR on the roster. Not one!!! I know Guthrie is a small school but surely there is at least one senior that was willing to play football this year, no?

So my hats off to the boys from Guthrie!!! Keep grinding fella's!!! I know the fine folks from Guthrie are proud of you for your efforts each game!!!

I am gonna keep track of yall this year.