My Facebook Experience


11-man fan
I realize that every single day I fall further behind with technology. It must be an age issue. But I h nearly given up on even attempting to keep up. Let me tell you why.

I first stumbled onto the world of smartphones when my wife got herself an iPhone. She showed me all its capabilities, all the apps, and the good things that come with having a world of information at your fingertips. Admittedly, I was intrigued. After some trial and error, I mastered its usage, and loved how accessible this site and many others were. Me and my wife live in different places during the week. I stay on the ranch and she stays in town, and on the weekends she comes back here. She soon began to complain that when she was at the house, I spent more time on her phone than talking to her.

So, like an idiot, I purchased myself an iPhone. And I have loved it. And then my wife told me about Facebook.

She made it sound like a VFW but without the alcohol and it was available on my phone. I could easily look up old friends, current friends, and keep posted on the happenings that are occurring in others homes. So, I bit. My wife set me up with an account, and within a few days I had hundreds of friends. I found some old classmates who are wealthier than me and have aged better. That old highschool girlfriend I had that now resembles something that you can pick up outback of a truck stop, and a plethora of other old connections. And then, in the middle of my discovery and wonderment, it happened.

At first I paid little heed to the news articles that flashed up on my "feed". But one curious click led to another, and I soon realized that the world outside of my ranch was doomed. Ebola outbreaks, new psychotic drugs that spark violent outbursts and will surely end the human race, racism, sexism, government cover ups, police brutality (or idiotic criminals receiving unwarranted sympathy), wars, ISIS, fear, and Donald Trump. My eyes were opened to the occurrences of what was happening globally, and I was scared. For a few more days I stayed with Facebook. Reading all these scary articles, all these people bickering at each other through a screen, and some people I know sharing statuses that traditionally wouldn't have been acceptable public speech unless you were talking to a Catholic priest in a small dark room. My mind was a buzz with what today about the world. Buy more guns? Build a bunker? Surely there was someway to keep the world out.

Then it dawned on me. A week ago, I was worried. I wasn't worried about Trumps comments, ISIS, disease, nothing. My only worries have been my job, what football games I'll be able to make it too, and when that first Norther will blow in. I had my world going smooth, and Facebook was responsible for my new fear. So I deleted it. Everyone may save their speeches on how great it is. I don't need them. I just need to see the weekly spreads here, and take care of my business. The Favebook world is not for me.
FB is most excellent for the LOLZ. My father in-law recently created a facebook account. You can tell how many drinks he's had by what he posts.

- Sober, he's posting all kinds of stuff about cowboy church, and Joel Osteen-ish motivational quotes.
- 2-3 drinks in, he's posting up grilling recipes
- When he's about too drunk to type - it's mainly scantily clad women with suggestive memes.

I feel like calling him up to tell him to ease up on the drunk facebooking. But then I would have nothing to LOL about.