Oct 13, 2019 #1 1 1880 Six-man fan Looking to fill a home playing date during week 4. Also need two more teams for a 4 way scrimmage in Moran (Moran, Baird). If this fits your needs contact Coach Hughes: jhughes@moran.,esc14.net; 325-945-3101-325-800-0631
Looking to fill a home playing date during week 4. Also need two more teams for a 4 way scrimmage in Moran (Moran, Baird). If this fits your needs contact Coach Hughes: jhughes@moran.,esc14.net; 325-945-3101-325-800-0631
Oct 15, 2019 #2 1 1880 Six-man fan game is filled, still looking for a couple of teams for the scrimmage