Six-man fan
School boards are supposed to act in the best interest of the students. I do know that a couple of those mentioned above could have been sixman but chose not to because of the size of the lower grades. When you are near the bubble number it's tough. Ranger is a good example. They resisted the switch for over a decadfe even with small enough numbers. Then the UIL changes the counting rules (used to have four options) and they are having to play outlaw because of one larger than normal class. It's a tough call.My manager at work grew up in Rocksprings. He told me about his time there in a one on one meeting and I asked him why they don’t move to sixman and he said something along the lines of “school board” which irritates me. Baird IC and Menard have moved to sixman and are doing great. I don’t see why some schools don’t move down.