Lots of Good Things Have Happened


11-man fan
in my lifetime. One of the best is the Internet. Running a close second if there is a difference at all is TWITTER. How many of you have twitter accounts? Individual or teams?

My son turned me on to twitter last season. Because of the outstanding work of sixmanguru I get updates on Six-Man scores on the fly so to speak.

IF YOU TWITTER, you need, no you must follow @sixmanguru. You will be forever happy that you chose to do so.

Don Hardin
I loves me some twitter... now need a list of coaches that are tweeting... got a bunch of followers in the last few days that appear to be coaches, schools... post your twitter handle here if you tweet scores from your school...
I think we already follow each other! Twitter is where most people find out about ANYTHING first...including who was feeling the recent earthquakes. It's pretty amazing really....
Yeah - I'm not a tweeter. Probably never will be. Texting and Facebook are bad enough.

Society as a whole devolves as social technology evolves.