Loss of another Coach

Oh my, I hate to hear that about Coach Watkins. I actually got to meet him in 1984 at the state game. My high School Coach was a May legend and his Father-in-Law was helping Coach Watkins during that time I believe. Coach Watkins was a great man that my High School coach thought so much of, which made us respect him all the more. So Sorry to hear the news of his passing. Prayers for his family and friends. I know he impacted so many in his time as a Coach/Teacher.
Coach Hart (Phil Mitchell’s father in law) did come back to coaching as assistant to Watkins that year. We as I’m sure y’all did too was asked by all the papers and KTAB about the connection between May and Jayton that year. Coach Hart was awesome and shared tons of knowledge with Watkins who to be fair only had 3 years of sixman experience going into the 84 season. But Watkins played at Brownwood under Gordon Wood and brought that style of coaching to May. I teased Coach Hart for years about helping Phil in that State Game. Between Mitchell, Hart and Watkins there was tons of coaching talent in that game.