Loraine ISD Coaching Positions:

Coach Popham

Six-man fan
Loraine ISD is seeking to fill coaching positions for both men's and women's sports.

Coaching Duties will be determined based on experience, open positions include:
Head XC, Head & Asst. Girls Basketball, Head or Asst. Track

Teaching Fields:
HS Math

Competitive Coaching Stipends
Low Rent District Housing is available.
5 State/5 Local days per year.
$325 per month towards insurance.

Interested applicants email pertinent documentation (resume, letters of recommendation, SBEC Documentation, etc.) to:
Martin Tucker - Principal: mtucker@loraine.esc14.net (325) 737-2225
Jake Popham - Athletic Director: jpopham@loraine.esc14.net (254) 495-0816
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