Looking For Honest opinions PRO and CON on TCAL


11-man fan
I'm asking this on my own and I am just wanting to hear from the TCAL coaches regarding true and honest opinions about how the league is handled and about their continued participation in TCAL. Please send your responses to me either through private message or my email at [email protected]. This is not a witch hunt but rather a true fact seeking mission.
I have been associated with TAPPS, TCAF, and TCAL and all have flaws like you and I, but I believe all are doing the best they can with what they have and who they are working with. I can't speak for my school, but I see no reason to go to another organization at this time, unless I was employed by another school that was associated with one of the other associations.

Feel free to give me a call with any questions you may have. I will say that TCAL is far from perfect and needs improvement in many areas, especially in the area of communication. However, over my years in TCAL and other organizations, I am convinced that you will never find a perfect organazation. The heart of TCAL is the quality schools and homeschool groups that make TCAL who they are today.

There will always be critics and people who are just hard to please. I have learned that it's much better to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.


Billy Helm
[email protected]