Let'em go


Six-man fan
SEC invites Texas A&M to join
By RALPH D. RUSSO - AP College Football Writer | AP – 41 mins agotweet0Share0EmailPrintThe Southeastern Conference says it has accepted Texas A&M's application to the league, but the move is being held up because a Big 12 school has threatened legal action if the Aggies leave.

The SEC says in a statement released Wednesday that it had already received "unanimous written assurance" from the Big 12 on Sept. 2 that it was free to accept Texas A&M.

The SEC says its presidents approved the invitation to Texas A&M, but Wednesday it received word from the Big 12 that one of its schools had withdrawn its previous consent and was considering legal action.
I'm not understanding the unbridled greed of university presidents and AD's.

On the one hand, they want to protect, at all costs, the cash cow that is the current bowl system over having a playoff system. On the other, they want to consolidate - for purely monetary reasons - into the largest mega conferences possible.

What good will the current bowl system be if there are only 3 major conferences and 2-3 mid major conferences?

Meanwhile, the NCAA is much too busy investigating illicitly paid-for tattoos.

ESPN has completely screwed up college football. Now they seem to be sinking their fangs into high school football.

Yes. I ramble. Sue me.
Money talks, it's sad to say, but it does. I hate to see the traditions of A&M go, I hate to see the Texas vs. Aggie game be in jeopardy. I am a Red Raider, die hard, and do not think the Pac 16 would be a good move for us. However, let A&M go and lets see what happens. It is just really sad when money dictates how the game is played, or where the game is played.
Money talks - huge TV contracts to help cover the cost of Title IX among other things. Title IX, another one of the overly brilliant brain children of the "let's make everything equal" crowd.

Tech to the Pac 16 would be a disaster for Tech. It is about time ( Lived around and tried to be a Raider fan for 50+ years, but they make it so hard ) Tech realized their real place in the pecking order of NCAA Athletics. The are not an Oklahoma, Texas, A&M, Southern Cal, UCLA, Oregon, Florida State, Ohio State or even a Boise State and never will be. The are a second tier power in Div I. They would be a yearly embarrassment to themselves in the PAC 16.

They would do well to find a conference with the TCU's, SMU's, Rice's, Baylor's and others of this caliber. They might could be a for real yearly competitor for the Title of such a conference. Yes, I know where TCU finished last year, but they are not going to be that kind of team every year I don't think ...

Tech would be a good base college to start a conference - maybe the TOT 1/16 or something .... It will be bad for Tech to lose Texas, Oklahoma and A&M. The whole success of their season depending on winning one of those games, rest of the season can be a toilet bowl season but winning one of these three always allows the Raider faithful to reload their fingers and say just wait til next year .... Been waiting a while....

Maybe we will just wind up with one huge conference with most of the teams being fielded by the prison system. If the NFL example is followed through the years we could see it.
JO -

No offense, but do you really think you need to post in such a large font? I'm pretty sure everyone knows who you are by now. It's really hard for me to read what you write.

Just sayin'.
justobserving":2td5p3rg said:
Not just here ... post with this font size and color on every forum I am on. Is it offensive ???

"He leads the league in most offensive categories, including nose hair"
I say let Texas A&M go wherever the he!l they want. They are a second tier power in the Big 12 and they'll be a doormat in the SEC. They're ranked #7 right now but they'll be out of the top 20 by the end of the year. They've always been second fiddle to UT and they always will be... doesn't matter what conference they're in. Honestly, what self-respecting athlete would choose the flippin' Aggies over the Longhorns?

I guess now is when the Aggie fans get all butt-hurt and start railing against me and UT. Wail away for all I care, you're still supporting a second rate program.
Dogface":1eu3diay said:
It's easier for me to read.
Is that large or huge?
If it really bothers thejack
I may change mine too!!! :)

Large - I don't want it to appear ostentatious ( appeir as eyem trien two drough atension too meye selph )

granger":1eu3diay said:
"He leads the league in most offensive categories, including nose hair"

It is so nice to know you can always count on a friends support and respect !!
WV Backer":3p5ob3wr said:
I say let Texas A&M go wherever the he!l they want. They are a second tier power in the Big 12 and they'll be a doormat in the SEC. They're ranked #7 right now but they'll be out of the top 20 by the end of the year. They've always been second fiddle to UT and they always will be... doesn't matter what conference they're in. Honestly, what self-respecting athlete would choose the flippin' Aggies over the Longhorns?

I'm most certainly not a t-sipper, but you are exactly right about the Aggies. Second-tier is being nice. How many bowl games have they been to in the last 10 years? How much have they contributed to the Big-12? How much have they taken?

The SEC will soon see that Texas A&M is nothing more than the collegiate version of a crack addicted welfare momma.