Kick return


Six-man fan
This past Friday I was told and then penalized because my front line players on our kick return
Team crossed the 35 after the ball was onsided but before the ball had gone 15. I was told that we must wait for the ball to go 15 before we could cross into that 15 yard zone. Can someone clarify this rule for me. Thanks
The rule simply states that:
When the ball is kicked, all team B players must be behind the 15 yard restraining line.

That tells me that once the ball is kicked, the receiving team can cross the restraining line to block.
Please send to the chapter that covered your games. As mentioned there are many chapters having to use brand new officials to cover games due to the extreme shortage of officials so sending a letter to the chapter will help in the education of those officials.
Thank you for the information. Fortunately it did not change the outcome of the game. Unfortunately the official was a 20 year veteran of which he said that's been the rule ever since I have been officiating. He was from the taso San Antonio chapter. He and I agreed to email in order to discuss the rule. Hopefully I will becable to convince him he erred.