Ira vs. Abilene Christian

Very good hard fought game. Hats off to ACHS for having a very good football club, they are my pick for state. Congrats to the young Bulldog team for playing their hearts out and getting the W. The Bulldogs were not the team tonight they have been this whole season, and ACHS was hitting on all cylinders, bottom line good game and a reality check for the dogs
What a game! Ira is definitely the real deal. 54-46

I wish the Panthers had been hitting on all cylinders all night. They sure did in spurts, but other times not so much. Lots of adrenaline early in the game, I imagine, and we over-threw a bunch of wide open receivers. I think we were only 2-for-7 for extra points. A couple were blocked (great Ira rush), and several were just flat missed (probably due to the big rush). Several penalties and turnovers inside the 10 just killed us. I don't know what the penalty stats were, but we just couldn't seem to keep from making them all night, beginning with the opening kickoff. That had to have been the most penalty yardage we've had all year, by far. By the way, does anybody know what the discussion was on the last kickoff that reversed the original call? I didn't see what happened.

#12 for That kid can run. How many yards did he rush for? 300+? And the line has their blocking schemes down pat. They can open some holes, not that #12 needs much of a hole. Holy cow. That was fun to watch. It would have been even more fun to watch if the opposing team was somebody other than the Panthers. LOL If there is a UIL team out there that can beat Ira to win state, I'd like to watch them play. They'd have to be mighty good to get that done.

Whatever the score, we can say that we got skunked at Ira. HaHa! That skunk that came out on the field at half time and just wouldn't leave just had to be upwind of the stands. That was a first. LOL

I'll say it again.... What a game! That's about as good as it gets right there. Thank you to the good folks of Ira for being great hosts. It was a fun night.
No ryry ACHS was NOT hitting on all cylinders, but nice try. Shane is right. Our first quarter was horrible. To many bad passes and WAY to many dropped balls. I'm sure they had pure adrenaline pumping in them the first ten minutes. ACHS had their chance many times and just did not capitalize.
I knew if by chance ACHS won or was close at the end it would be that Ira did not bring their A game or blame the refs.
Enjoy the win. But dont fool your self into thinking the margin should have been bigger. Sometimes the other team is that good.
I had seen both teams before tonight. Neither team played their best game though they both played well. Ira came in and left out with the number one ranking in my poll and though I don't rank "privates" if I did ACHS wouldn't move down in my poll if anything they would move up.

ACHS played extremely well at times but made some mistakes a long the way that hurt. A big deal was getting down on the goal line and not getting in. Ira played some great defense. #8 had a great night especially on defense. #12 is a super fast player and is tough. He took some solid hits tonight from the Panther defense but you could tell he still wanted the ball. ACHS did not execute well a couple of times inside the ten. Other times they performed flawlessly.

Did we watch two state champions tonight? Indeed it is possible that we did. Both teams will need to play their best from here on out and we know the competition will be tougher from here on out. After catching both teams playing short of their best in this contest one can see the possibilities that lie ahead if they sharpen their respective skills in the future weeks.

One last thing. # 12 is an awesome runner for Ira but there were two long scoring plays for him tonight that were a direct result from # 10 selling out sacrificing his body to make some beautiful blocks allowing #. 12 to get those long runs.
It was a great team win for Ira. ACHS a good coach to go with their team and they will learn from this game and be better because of it.

Don Hardin
Well I havnt seen ACHS play all year, but all the hype is true, ACHS is a true solid team, I have no excuses for Ira other than it was a game of two state contenders battleing it out in my opinion. ACHS did have a good 4th quarter as well being down 22 points amd coming back to within eight. And Shane you have a very good post, very classy sportsmenship on both sides of the ball, and yes my first game where the halftime show was a skunk on the field with the wind blowing in the Ira's fans face lol. All BS aside, very very good ball game and good luck to ACHS down the road
ryry":2xulfl2c said:
Well I havnt seen ACHS play all year, but all the hype is true, ACHS is a true solid team, I have no excuses for Ira other than it was a game of two state contenders battleing it out in my opinion. ACHS did have a good 4th quarter as well being down 22 points amd coming back to within eight. And Shane you have a very good post, very classy sportsmenship on both sides of the ball, and yes my first game where the halftime show was a skunk on the field with the wind blowing in the Ira's fans face lol. All BS aside, very very good ball game and good luck to ACHS down the road

St. Louis has the "rally squirrel." Ira has the "rally skunk?"
Thanks, ryry. I was impressed with the sportsmanship on both sides of the ball as well. Two well-coached and talented teams.

Somehow, the wind was blowing that skunk stink over both sides' stands. After I killed it, I went across to the concession stand to get a trash bag to haul the skunk off somewhere downwind, and I could smell it just as strong over there as it was in front of the visitor bleachers. I'm sorry about that. I didn't want to have to kill it, 'cause I knew it was going to stink. But nobody else was coming out to herd it off the field. When one of our fans ran out there with his iPhone to get a closeup (and he got right up to the skunk on the downwind side), I decided somebody needed to get the dang thing off the field. There was something wrong with the skunk (maybe rabies?). He would occasionally just flip over and struggle for balance to get back up, and he wouldn't run away from anybody or respond to the prodding from my camera monopod. When the refs started the 3rd quarter, he was still right on the sideline so I had to start getting a little more physical with him to get him back away from the field. All the women and girls that were around him taking pictures of the cute little skunk didn't want me to kill him, but he just kept trying to go back out onto the field. When the game started back up and everybody quit paying attention to the skunk, I knocked him in the head with the camera stick. Of course, that caused the big stink. I figured it was going to be inevitable, and it would be better to get it over with back away from the field than on the field or closer to the bleachers.

What a deal! LOL
Well thanks for your duty Shane. I just caught the last of it as I was at the concession stand getting nachos for my son, So I didnt catch where the skunk was acting very differently, thats kinda scary now that you mention that, so kuddos to you for handleing up on the situation. And also thanks for posting all the picks!!
Shane, killer pics (Have only seen the the first 29). ACHS was much bigger than expected, or Ira was rather small. Looks like a heck of a game!
ryry":b57urnb6 said:
Well thanks for your duty Shane. I just caught the last of it as I was at the concession stand getting nachos for my son, So I didnt catch where the skunk was acting very differently, thats kinda scary now that you mention that, so kuddos to you for handleing up on the situation. And also thanks for posting all the picks!!

Yeah, he stayed out in the middle of the field at about the 20 yard line on the east end, and he didn't want to leave.
Shane":1y9ngjln said:
ryry":1y9ngjln said:
Well thanks for your duty Shane. I just caught the last of it as I was at the concession stand getting nachos for my son, So I didnt catch where the skunk was acting very differently, thats kinda scary now that you mention that, so kuddos to you for handleing up on the situation. And also thanks for posting all the picks!!

Yeah, he stayed out in the middle of the field at about the 20 yard line on the east end, and he didn't want to leave.

Skunk? I don't think that was a skunk, smelled a lot like rainjack. He is a fan no doubt.
fajitapete":1lyoxdl5 said:
Shane":1lyoxdl5 said:
ryry":1lyoxdl5 said:
Well thanks for your duty Shane. I just caught the last of it as I was at the concession stand getting nachos for my son, So I didnt catch where the skunk was acting very differently, thats kinda scary now that you mention that, so kuddos to you for handleing up on the situation. And also thanks for posting all the picks!!

Yeah, he stayed out in the middle of the field at about the 20 yard line on the east end, and he didn't want to leave.

Skunk? I don't think that was a skunk, smelled a lot like rainjack. He is a fan no doubt.

It wasn't RainyDayWoman. Must have been one of his close relatives. If Shane had killed RainyDayWoman, we'd all be partying like it was 1999.
oldfat&bald":20xlg9l3 said:
Don't take that as a personal threat, SprinklePuss. You aren't important enough to threaten.

Pete's just mad because he knows I'm right about his little toy junior. You? Between your pathetic attempts to mimic the fallen preacher and your fear of your wife, I would consider any threat from you as nothing more than the shrill cry of a spoiled little child in a decent dining spot.

I'm sure this will inspire yet another borrowed, copied, tired retort. I may not be important enough to threaten - whatever that means in oldfatbald-ese - but for you and the other brainless hacks on here, you do feel obligated to attempt the last word regardless of how inane and rambling it may be.
rainjacktx":2h0rdtfz said:
smokeyjoe53":2h0rdtfz said:
Are brainless hacks better than slack-jawed cretins?

Close. But they're both better than jack-booted thugs.

Could be the manifestations of steroid abuse . . . just saying
But always beware the slack jawed mouth breathers . . .