I need a place to call HOME......


11-man fan
First of all, I was born and raised on West Texas Six-Man Football, I know no other football. I have been at my current school for 2 years and have seen 2 different head coaches with two different variations of the game on offense and defense. I feel confident that I am ready and capable to start and build my own championship program from what I know and what I have learned, but if no Head position opening is willing to take a chance, I would also consider an assistant position as well. One can never learn too much after all. I have coached all sports even Tennis, Golf, and Powerlifting. I currently hold a 4-8 Generalist certification and currently in the works of attaining my P.E. certification and Composite Science certification in the near future. Please feel free to contact me through PM or by email at: [email protected] if any information is known out in the coaching world.