11-man fan
I'll start off saying that i help coach the Lifegate Falcons as much as i can...
Unfortunately working on the oil rigs out in the gulf of mexico really limits my time with my guys.. (hate my job part) And i really wouldn't hate my job if i didn't have anything to look forward to coming to... aka my guys
This whole season we had been preaching family and brotherhood just like every other coaching program in the world... but this time home our players showed that they were listening to every word...
This time out on the rig i was informed that one of my player's mothers passed away... not knowing what i could do (not being able to come home) i just prayed that God would bring good even out of this horrible situation...
Now here comes the great part... ever seen a grown man pull over on the side of the road and cry???
I get in my car out in Galliano Louisiana and start driving down the road... all the sudden i know my phone came into a service area because it started tellin me i got new text messages....
They were from one of our captains...
He forwarded them to all the players and coaches...
One of our brothers lost their mom today. We need to make sure we are there for him and his family any way we can be. We need to lift our brother up and show him that we love him.
it said the funeral time and details and told everybody to show up early
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE HAVE BEEN GOING FOR!!! :mrgreen: Its so much more than football.... God bless
Unfortunately working on the oil rigs out in the gulf of mexico really limits my time with my guys.. (hate my job part) And i really wouldn't hate my job if i didn't have anything to look forward to coming to... aka my guys
This whole season we had been preaching family and brotherhood just like every other coaching program in the world... but this time home our players showed that they were listening to every word...
This time out on the rig i was informed that one of my player's mothers passed away... not knowing what i could do (not being able to come home) i just prayed that God would bring good even out of this horrible situation...
Now here comes the great part... ever seen a grown man pull over on the side of the road and cry???

I get in my car out in Galliano Louisiana and start driving down the road... all the sudden i know my phone came into a service area because it started tellin me i got new text messages....
They were from one of our captains...
He forwarded them to all the players and coaches...
One of our brothers lost their mom today. We need to make sure we are there for him and his family any way we can be. We need to lift our brother up and show him that we love him.
it said the funeral time and details and told everybody to show up early
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE HAVE BEEN GOING FOR!!! :mrgreen: Its so much more than football.... God bless