I don't understand!

Red Baron

11-man fan
I don't understand, when this site is set up for people to give their insight or opinion on a topic, and when it gets a little interesting, it gets deleted. The topics I post on I feel are legit, and I have never called out anyone by name (personal or school). But when you post on here if it doesn't fit to certain people's criteria, then they can proceed to call you out on your christianity, or in their eyes your lack thereof. I know that there has to be moderator's on these sights, and they do a good job, but please realize it's just people's opinion, and if noone is being called out or threatened, it ought to be okay to post about this great game of 6 man football, and all that pertains to it! God Bless!
Red Baron, maybe I missed something, but I thought the topic was interesting. From what I read I did not see any fingers pointed at anyone.
Thank you Astro 55. I wasn't trying to point any fingers. I was just discussing a topic about dirty play, and getting other people's and coaches opinions about it, and the next thing I know it's deleted.
Red Baron-

I personally know the moderator of this area, and he warned you that he was inclined to pull the plug on the topic. I'm guessing he did just that. There have been some really nasty dialogues, both on this site and in the six-man community, about the topic of "dirty players and coaches," and the results weren't pretty. Kids get hurt and fathers get in trouble with schools and authorities when this topic gets out of hand in the real world, and this site can be a potential lightning rod for it.

Rest assured this isn't censorship as much as it is to protect folks from others and their own selves . . .
AZ2TX6Man":3sg11sg8 said:
Red Baron-

I personally know the moderator of this area, and he warned you that he was inclined to pull the plug on the topic. I'm guessing he did just that. There have been some really nasty dialogues, both on this site and in the six-man community, about the topic of "dirty players and coaches," and the results weren't pretty. Kids get hurt and fathers get in trouble with schools and authorities when this topic gets out of hand in the real world, and this site can be a potential lightning rod for it.

Rest assured this isn't censorship as much as it is to protect folks from others and their own selves . . .

Ok guys, I'm gonna tell you why I pulled the plug. And I tend to do this about two or three times a season.

It's to remind you of the awsome power I have over all of you .... nah, scratch that one.

This actually wasn't that bad of a thread, but it was one that had an easy way to become a problem. Nothing against anyone who posted, but like the ref says during the game, it was a judgement call. I'll give you I might have pulled the plug early, but hey, I got the flag (and the delete topic access...).

No double secret probations were assesed ...
well my post is a reply to Mr. Matt Burgy. Luckily I got a copy saved to my computer and had time to mull through it. Tell the young man you referenced in your post congrats for me and I wish the young man all the best. Sounds like he has a great shoulder on his head and a very intelligent young man.

On to the other issue. Get you feelings hurt and back your team up, I got no issue with that. In fact I would have done the same thing. Did I call you out, I don't know, I guess so. Congrats to your team and coaching staff and to the six seniors, what a senior year. But say what you want about the topic at hand, but the tapes don't lie. The two young men have told me they will not forget that night. They felt the same way as their coach. And they each have told me they look forward to the Fulton game next year with some things on their mind. Good luck in the playoffs!!!
you're kidding right?? the reason that last topic was deleted is because of posts like that one... you basically just said that not only do your two players plan for vengeance, but you aren't going to discourage it at all... they'll never forget?? if u dont talk to your players about the proper way to handle the situation, you have failed as a coach and role model.. this is why red baron that your topic was deleted .... because some people cant be grown ups...
I don't guess I understand. If I teach a player to play with as much as he is and play it legally, how am I hurting him. I think as a player you should always play with some sort of vengence or payback. When a team or player beat me one year, you better believe I played with a chip on my shoulder next year. Listen I was targeted by a couple schools when I played. Why would a coach not teach his player to play with such a vengence that he would need to protect himself or even get a little payback. Listen football is a game like no other. There is a reason girls don't play this game. It is more violent than car crashes. If you think about it, we are legally allowing our kids to do something they would get arrested for outside the white lines. So I guess to say I am not kidding you. Am I going to discourage my kids from payback, no. Am I going to encourage it, no. In fact we haven't even discussed football as our season is over. Saw the young man at church Sunday, told him I loved him I was proud of him and the wonderful year he had, and was looking forward to watching him in Basketball. Told him that I would love to get on the mat and wrestle with him as well, he is a phenominal wrestler, so I hear. Delete the topic that is fine. But we are all grown ups on here and can handle a topic like this. Listen I have nothing against Matt Burgy or the Fulton School. He can stick up for his school and kids and so can I. I thought that is what this message board is for, a discussion.
my kids remember freddy beating them their freshman year 70 to 6 or something like that... not yet have they talked of payback... guess they dont need anger to play 100 percent .. i dont understand that method of motivation.. it clouds the mind.. thats just me though... when i played it was my 100 percent for God.. thats what my men are taught

Get out of coaching.
Get out now before you get someone killed.
Since you have this concept that a player has to play a GAME with some kind of vengeful attitude.

You're embarassing.
Let me jump in this lol.... I got cowboy back on this one! This is for seguin.... If you say your boys haven't talked about giving payback to freddy then that means something is wrong with that lol.. i know they were looking foward to paying them back last year when yall beat them.. i think freddy is looking to get yall this year but they wont.... Now I know your boys are thinking about giving payback to Brenham! thats just how it goes.. If they are not looking for vengance against Brenham then that means they do not want that state title that bad then! You'll see what im talking about when you two meet in the semi finals! Come out with a vengance and it might happen.. come out with no vengance and your boys will be heading back on the bus at halftime or in the third.. and again i say im not trying to be mean or anything just saying
veezy youre almost right.. but the freddy game last year had nothing to do with vengeance.. it had to do with winning our first ever district title.. this year its about state and brenham is just another stepping stone... there are no hard feelings what so ever.. my guys are gonna go into both those games with one thing in mind.. do my job and we win state.. all for Jesus veezy.. 8)
Wow Cowboy, be carefull when you say girls don't play the game there have been severl Public sixman teams that suited up girls. Vegance is a strong word, I think getting even by beating them fair and squard without playing dirty makes since to me.But then again go play good hard fair clean football and don't get even get a head. (old Aggie saying)The game is violent enought without trying to hurt someone on purpuse. For all you coaches out there, you will think about it if you play dirty football when someone goes down from a cheap shot and the next time you see him he is in a wheel chair. Some of this stuff I have read makes me sick coming from Christian schools.
Uh Oh, watch out this post is about to be deleted, someone said something about being killed! Hey dogface, have you ever played or coached it sure doesn't sound like it from your post. If you have you know that you have to go into a game full force ready to play or you, yourself could get hurt. It's not wrong for a coach to remind his team of a loss or event that happened that might motivate his team to play harder, it happens at all levels of football. Coaches just need to realize that the game needs to be played fair and legal within the lines, however they get their team geared up for that is their business. But for people to come on here and be judgmental, obviously about something they know nothing about, to me your embarrassing!
Uh Oh, watch out this post is about to be deleted, someone said something about being killed! Dogface, have you ever coached or played football it sure doesn't sound like it from your comments. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a coach reminding his team about a loss or an event that may have happened the year before to get his team motivated, it happens at all levels of football. But the coach is responsible to coach those players to play hard and legal between the lines and the whistles, call it vengeful or dirty, but to me it's football. If your player doesn't go out full throttle and ready to hit, he could end up getting hurt himself. I would be careful coming on here and calling out others about their style of coaching and play(as long as it's legal) and let them do what they need to do to motivate their team to victory, every coach knows what it takes to motivate their team, let them do their job, and you go pay to watch them.
OK dogface I have no time for you to post a reply to that is just crazy.

Never once in my post did i say anything about doing something illegal. Never once did I talk about playing dirty. I am almost certain I said to coach a kid between the whistles and white lines. Using a loss as motivation is done on all levels. Ohio State has a key code to get into the locker room. Several years ago, when they got beat in the national championship, the changed the code to get into the locker to the final score of the game. Say what you want about tactics of motivation, every coach is different at every level. Pick interviews and reporters and players all talk about what a certain team did to them last time they were beat. My college alma mater has beaten McMurry 20 years in a row, do you think the coach uses that as some form of motivation?? My alma mater has also lost to UMHB the past 9 or 10 games. I GUARANTEE Jimmy Keeling uses that as a form of motivation, but I guess being the number 7 team in the nation and a great christian university is doing it all wrong??

I am in no way trying to hurt any kid at all, nor would I ever coach that way. Maybe vengence was too strong of a word for this site. Maybe I should say as payback then. Listen we coach our kids, win or lose, to give all the glory to God. Tim Tebow, Josh Hamilton, and others I have all used in devotions with the boys before games. I promise you Tim Tebow went out with a payback mentality and went out with an intensity like no other. Josh Hamilton tries no knock the cover off the ball every time and runs that base path as hard as he can. Does that mean these mean aren't playing for God. I thought playing to the best of your ability and anything less than that was a slap in the face of God. Listen I guess i played football all wrong for 20 years when I played like there was no tomorrow. Every team and coach motivates, coaches, and plays games differently.