Home schools??


11-man fan
Long time reader, first time subscriber. Is any one scheduling any of these new home school teams? Seems that are 3 new ones in our area.
It looks like Alvin Living Stones has two September games with Tomball Christian Homeschool and Bryan Christian Homeschool. From Granger's Non Public School Rankings, it looks like Bryan may be well organized and have some legitimate talent. Bryan Christian Homeschool would rank #5 in TAPPS D-II. I've never seen a homeschool play, so I'm looking forward to that this year. I am envisioning teams with only 6-8 players and thinking stamina could be a problem.....but they may have more kids than that.
Just my opinion, but I feel that they seem to give all the private schools a bad name( or at least around Lubbock). This last weekend at a scrimmage the host coach was telling us that he had put two home schools on the scrimmage and both ended up cancelling, consequently the coach wondered of we would do the same. I understand that they are tryomg to give to their kids, but coaches please dont integrate the private and parochial schools into the same subject as home schools.
Problem is, that the "cost of entry" for sixman football is fairly cheap. You can outfit a kid for $400 (hey, that's the cost of a new Wii and a couple of games) and any self-respecting home school athletic guy can find eight or ten kids to join them. Find somebody with a big backyard and you got a practice field. Call in a couple other favors and you might find a game field, or hey, play your games on the road.

Our 11 man friends aren't as easy to accomodate those teams as we in sixman are.

But my guess is that some of these groups are basically organized for specific kids and when those kids finish their remaining eligibility, the group will die out unless someone else takes over.

San Antonio FEAST has been a pretty solid organization basically because they have some facilities (an old gym on Blanco Road) and run a bookstore/resource center for home school education. But I've heard there have been some problems; one coach told me that his school (a non-TAPPS school) picked up several homeschool kids that were involved in FEAST sports and then today, I read in the Seguin paper about another San Antonio homeschool organization looking for kids to play basketball. Now sometimes I add up 2 plus 2, and I occasionally get the right answer. I'm thinking here that there may be some trouble in paradise.

I'd always be concerned about scheduling most first year programs and many homeschool groups. If my program were established, I'd want to know the people who are running those programs before scheduling or let them prove for a year or two that they were serious about this game.

But whadda I know.
Just thought people should hear this. I am all for everyone playing 6man, as long as they fall in the realm, but going to the link in sixman football talk and looking at the the news coverage Lubbock KCDB has (great link provided by Don Hardin) I was a little upset at what the home school coach stated. They claim that, in their I guess first year maybe second year of playing ball, they have a better offense than 30% of the teams in sixman football.

This right here is a perfect example of how ignorant people are towards our game. They think they can get six kids put some pads on and run a play and bam they're just as good as the rest. I have talked to a lot of coaches that have had teams that were in a program for all high school and still weren't in the top 30% of offensive teams. I wish these teams would actually build a program for a few years before trying to make these bold claims and statements.
jc_30":1dx1kl4v said:
Just thought people should hear this. I am all for everyone playing 6man, as long as they fall in the realm, but going to the link in sixman football talk and looking at the the news coverage Lubbock KCDB has (great link provided by Don Hardin) I was a little upset at what the home school coach stated. They claim that, in their I guess first year maybe second year of playing ball, they have a better offense than 30% of the teams in sixman football.

Somethin' tells me that there are a few teams which may prove this esteemed daddy coach wrong. Maybe not, and in that way, more power to him.

Football looks like a darn easy sport until you put pads on and start hittin' somebody.

Like my dear, departed Irish Catholic Momma used to say, "Talk is cheap, it takes money to buy whiskey."

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