What can I say, I'm dealing with an intellectual inferior. You're a fool, paulbunyan, but you win. I will move on and you can have the last word. Just understand this, anyone that has read your inane drivel should start to realize by now that you have no point to make. You're just here to post because NO ONE can stop you. No one can tell you to shut up here. It's not like it is at work or at home for you; here you can say what you want even if it makes no sense. On this board you feel empowered. In the real world your opinion means nothing, but here... well, your opinion means as just as much as anyone's.
I'm sure you will deny this obvious thing. You'll take a few shots at me, maybe even throw in another juvenile vagasil remark, but the fact remains. I can tell by the way you write and the opinions that you struggle to express that you are an inferior intellect. I'm sorry I ever engaged you on this matter. You have my sympathy.